Never A Time

There’s never a time I call You Lord, that you don’t answer
There’s never a time I walk into your presence
that you don’t fill my heart with joy, pure joy that comes from You alone

There’s never a time that draw, draw from this river
The river of peace flowing from your presence
flooding my heart and keeping me in perfect peace

For your presence is always here
And you’re ready always to help
You are my present help in trouble
And my ever present God

There’s never a time that I look into your Word
That You don’t speak by your Spirit clearly to my heart
There’s never a time that I lift my hands in worship and your glory doesn’t appear

There’s never a time that I open up my mouth to speak
That you don’t fill with utterance supernatural
There’s never a time that I turn my gaze on you and your brightness don’t take me over

For your presence is always here
And you’re ready always to help
You are my present help in trouble
And my ever present God

True Giant

Facing a mountain
Standing on my way
Saying there no is way I can get to the other side
But looking inside me
I look at my spirit
I’m born of God almighty
My Father says to me to look again

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than the mountain that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

Raving Goliath
Breathing his angry threats
Says you are going down and nothing’s gonna save you
You starting to shudder
You feel you are going under
But the Holy Spirit of God in you says to you
Look again

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than Goliath that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than the mountain that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

There’s a spirit alive inside you
If you are born again
It is greater than the mountain and anything you could face
And when you speak in other tongues
you’re stirring up this greater one
And when you stay there speaking on
You keep your giant on the form
This is God rising in you
There’s no battle bigger than you
Keep your giant fighting
Pray with your spirit and win!

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than Goliath that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

Let the true giant stand
Let the true giant rise
You are taller than the mountain that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal