Bring To Rememberance

Do you remember that He
Put on a human body
Took all the beating for you
Died on a cross for you
Went down to hell for you
And rose up again for you
Great God of heaven did this
Because He loves so

If God didn’t spare His beloved Son
But gave Him up for us
How wouldn’t He along with Him
Give us everything
The One and only only Son of God
Is the One who created everything
When we have Him we have everything
There’s nothing else

Bring to remembrance every
Promise The Father ‘s promised
Jesus fulfilled this when He
Said it is finished, take it
Promise delivered, paid for
In precious blood of Jesus, for you
Bring to remembrance and receive with buckets of joy.
Bring to remembrance

If God didn’t spare His beloved Son
But gave Him up for us
How wouldn’t He along with Him
Give us everything
The One and only only Son of God
Is the One who created everything
When we have Him we have everything
There’s nothing else

Bring to remembrance
Bring to remembrance
This is believing
This is receiving
And to God it’s pleasing
Bring to remembrance