Jesus makes all the difference
Took my past, made it disappear
No record of wrongs to see
Wiped my record clean
Jesus makes all the difference
Gave me the best family
To be called a child of God
I am now a child of God
Sharper than night and day
Further than east to west
This is the turn around
That Jesus brings
It is from death to life
Given an brand new start
This is the offer now
That Jesus brings
Jesus makes all the difference
Took my past, made it disappear
No record of wrongs to see
Wiped my record clean
Jesus makes all the difference
Gave me the best family
To be called a child of God
I am now a child of God
Brighter than the noonday sun
Clearer than crystal seas
Deeper than ocean depths
Is the love you have for me
Purer than precious gold
Tougher than diamond
Surer than the rising sun
Is the love Jesus brings