Know God

There’s a call call call call to all
It goes out out out from Heaven to all
Its an urgent call call call to all
Know God; Know God.

There’s a call call call call to you
It goes out out out from Heaven to you
Its an urgent call call call to you
Know God; Know God.

Don’t be far far far far away
Don’t you shy shy shy and run away
Better stay stay stay stay near
Know God; Know God

You’re not truly living, not really alive
If you don’t know God and He’s not in your life.
This is life, this is Eternal life,
Know God Know God

Don’t be far far far far away
Don’t be shy shy shy and run away
Better stay stay stay stay near
Know God; Know God

After All

After all said and done
Looking at the setting sun
Know your place and the course
God our Father has set for you
Run with joy and focus
Set your eyes firm on purpose
Follow God and fulfil your purpose
Run the race and finish the course
There are many things that come
Come to you along your way
Try to pull your heart away
From knowing that God loves you still
The best for you is still His will
Your best life is in God’s will
After all said and done
Have I truly done your will

After all said and done
This is our prayer

Through the sorrows and the fun
Through the sunshine and the storm
In celebration and in tears
Doing your will, there is no fear
Let your will oh God be done
Let your will oh God be done
After all said and done

It is down to me to prove
Your good and perfect will of Love
By keeping up my mind in tune
With the Your plan from above
I hear divine melody
Sounds from heaven’s throne
I choose to dance and dance along
To the song of God; His tune
Is the perfect tune of me
Song of my life, the best of me
Is Played from God’s heart to me
I dance and sing it too
My mouth and voice will echo
God’s song, my life, His will

After all said and done
This is our prayer

Through the sorrows and the fun
Through the sunshine and the storm
In celebration and in tears
We say let your will be done
Let your will oh God be done
Let your will oh God be done
After all said and done

Grace Enough

From the start of the journey you place us on
Through the twists and the turnings we go
You have never and never will turn away from us
Your abiding presence is enough

There is grace enough for tomorrow
There is grace enough for today
We look back at your faithfulness yesterday
And we know you will always stay

Though sometimes we may feel knocked down and out
Want to throw in the towel and give up
Opening our eyes from within we can see you’re still here
And we know there is grace enough

There is grace enough …

By our strength we can do nothing
By our might we can move no mountain
But who said we would run by our strength on this race
It has always been by Your grace

There is grace enough for tomorrow
There is grace enough for today
We look back at your faithfulness yesterday
And we know you will always stay

There is grace enough for tomorrow
There is grace enough for today
We look back at your faithfulness yesterday
And we know there is grace enough

And because we are sure of your grace
We are sure too, we win this race
This race of life, running for the crown that is waiting for us
We don’t stop ‘cos there is grace enough

There is grace enough for tomorrow
There is grace enough for today
We look back at your faithfulness yesterday
And we know you will always stay

There is grace enough for tomorrow
There is grace enough for today
We look back at your faithfulness yesterday
And we know there is grace enough

You never leave us nor forsake us
so we know there is grace enough

Grace Enough

We Belong

Raise your hands in worship
Bend your knees in honour
Bow your heart in trust
Trust the One who knows it all
Confidently come home
Run to Him with Joy
Stay with the One who loves you most
Your God who has it all

You belong
You belong here
You belong in this place
In the place of His presence
You belong here
You were made for His presence
To be in God’s presence
You belong in the presence
Of Divine Majesty

Don’t ignore the pull
Don’t avoid the call
To stay in the presence
Of God who makes you whole
Leap for joy at the sound
The sound of His beckoning
This invitation is the highest one
That anyone could have

And we belong
We belong here
We belong in this place
In the place of His presence
We belong here
We were made for His presence
To be in God’s presence
We belong in the presence of Divine Majesty

Stay stay stay a little longer
Stay hear His voice a little clearer
Stay draw strength and be stronger
We belong in the presence of Divine Majesty

This Life

This life that I living now
’Tis Christ living inside now
No more fallen person no
but Christ Himself living inside now

You are You are You are my peace
You are the life the life I live
You are You are You are my hope
You are the life the life that I live

This life that I living now
’Tis Christ living inside now
No more fallen person no
but Christ Himself living inside now

I am, I am a carrier
I’m but a host of Divinity
I am, I am carrier
The Life of God in human wrap
God’s life, God’s power, His presence here
Is all I have to spread along
God’s life, God’s power, His presence here
Is all I have to spread along

Raise my Hand

Raise my hand,
it’s a sign of surrender.
You will be done
It’s all I want, I seek and ponder
Glorious things
Wondrous things to consider
Jesus You,
Lord to You I raise my hand

Raise my hand,
it’s a sign of my worship
You are Lord
We submit to Your Lordship
You are God
and we will let You be God right here
God, be God
in my life; I raise my hand

Raise my hand
it’s a sign of my trust
I trust You Lord
to carry us and bear us up in Your arms
my safe place
my safe space; I don’t have a care here
I raise my hand
You lift me up; You are Father

I raise my hand
in every place, I will stand
that I am yours and YOU are mine
not ashamed
of Your name, Your cross and grave
Resurrection life
is mine to live and to display

I raise my hand
Lord I say You’re my healing
Your constant flow
is all I know, You’re my prescription
no thief can steal,
kill or destroy Your life abundant
You stand me up
You set me go, and keep me going

I Raise my hand
I Raise my hand
to Jesus Christ

I Raise my hand
I Raise my hand
to Jesus Christ

Bigger Than All This

There is hope
Hope bigger than all this
Hope more than the eyes can see
There is Joy
Joy stronger than all this
Joy full of glory
There is peace
Peace deeper than all this
Peace of God that protects

Jesus is my hope
Christ is my peace
Christ is my Joy
and He is bigger bigger bigger
Bigger than all this

I have hope
Hope bigger than all this
Hope more than the eyes can see
I have Joy
Joy stronger than all this
Joy full of glory
I have peace
Peace deeper than all this
Peace of God that protects me more than understand

Jesus is my hope
Christ is my peace
Christ is my Joy
and He is bigger bigger bigger
Bigger than all this

I have hope, hope bigger than all this
Joy, Joy bigger than all this
I have peace, peace bigger than all this
Christ in me, He’s bigger than all this
Bigger than all this.


Oh the wonder of your grace
So amazing
The fullness of your love
Is overwhelming
The extent of your forgiveness
Is mind blowing
God of Love, God of grace, I’m amazed

You do not hold a thing against us
You don’t remind us of a wrong
You sing to us an endless love song
And cover us again and again with your love

Your cloud of glory has engulfed us
Wrapped in the divine you quenched our frailty
You’ve made us strong in you so much power
Open our eyes to see it clearly clearly now

You are Holy of all Holies
You are glorious and full of glory
The brightness of Your face is purest brilliance
You are God, You are Love, You are Grace

Oh the wonder of your grace
So amazing
The fullness of your love
Is overwhelming
The extent of your forgiveness
Is mind blowing
God of Love, God of grace, I’m amazed

Who Will Believe?

God has poured out His Word to all
Who will believe?
God has given His Word to us
Who will believe?
All His promises are yes and amen
Everything of God is given in Him Christ
God’s report is written in His blood
who will believe?

I choose to believe
I choose to believe You Lord
I choose to believe
Your report is my reality
I choose to believe
I choose to believe You Lord
I choose to believe
Your arm to me is revealed

Feelings they come feelings they go
Cannot be trusted
Seasons they come seasons they go
Cannot be built on

I choose to believe
I choose to believe You Lord
I choose to believe
Your report is my reality
I choose to believe
I choose to believe You Lord
I choose to believe
Your arm to me is revealed

Who has believed our report?
To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
Who has believed the report of God?
Who stands to experience His glorious power?

I choose to believe
I choose to believe You Lord
I choose to believe
Your report is my reality
I choose to believe
I choose to believe You Lord
I choose to believe
Your arm to me is revealed