Made For Signs

We’ve been made for signs and wonders yeah
So I will live a life of signs and wonders yeah
not afraid to step out in the deep
At God’s command, see the power of Him that don’t sleep

In the Father’s eye’s we have found favour
So I spin around spreading His flavour
Let the Divine be poured in measure
out through this weak exterior
We carry eternal goodness
We are showing off eternal sweetness
Show off the almighty greatness
with love, pure love it’s heavenly brilliance

We’ve been made for signs and wonders yeah
So I will live a life of signs and wonders yeah
not afraid to step out in the deep
At God’s command, see the power of Him that don’t sleep

The promise given may look so far
The time to get there is ticking away
Strength in my body sometimes feel low
At time it looks like my Lord is slow
but then I see it is written clearly
(that) in jars of clay there is hidden glory
Break the jar let the glory tell the story
God in me I’m a heavenly beauty

We’ve been made for signs and wonders yeah
So I will live a life of signs and wonders yeah
not afraid to step out in the deep
At God’s command, see the power of Him that don’t sleep

Find Faith Rest

Holy Spirit be helper
Be the ONE who leads me on
I must turn my ears to hear You
Say to me the way to run

We must not lean on
to our understanding
We must trust our God knows best
And to follow with humble standing
In Jesus Christ our souls find rest

There would be turns and stops and setbacks
but Your voice dear Lord is clear.
Through the noise of many voices
my heart is sure Your voice to hear.
I’ll be careful to be focused
on the vision you laid so bare
and to hold on with all my life
going on the mission for which You sent me here

We must not lean on
to our understanding
We must trust our God knows best
And to follow with humble standing
In Jesus Christ our souls find rest

Holy Spirit You’re my helper
I will lean on Your strength in me
Daily go on, daily fight on
The fight of faith, I shall win
The fight of faith, I shall win
The fight of faith, my rest is found.


In the face of trouble
though the problems double
let rejoicing bubble
from beneath the rubble
rubble that’s my mind
where there’s peace to find
it is deep inside
with God, deep inside

I rejoice rejoice
I rejoice rejoice
I rejoice leap up
and dance again

Don’t take my reading
from the things I feeling
but from the flesh I peeling
to the spirit I’m living
God has raised me up
put me right on top
in Jesus it is done
finished, we have won.

I rejoice rejoice
I rejoice rejoice
I rejoice leap up
and dance again
(Rejoicing the TRUTH is eternal
His LOVE prevails
The WORD is victorious always)

Let us not be moved
Let us not be shaken
the TRUTH of Christ ain’t changed
HIS WORD cannot be broken
God is on our side
Victory is certain
battle’s fought and won
on the cross of Jesus

I rejoice rejoice
I rejoice rejoice
I rejoice leap up
and dance again

God’s Own People

Everybody goes about their daily business
Looking for means to make their daily bread
Natural people in a natural cycle
So it seems on every waking day

But we are God’s own people
Sought and bought with precious blood
We are God’s precious people
Who’ve been born again into the family of God

Though it seems we’re going on our natural journey
looking for means to make our daily money
Truth is we are part of a supernatural story
The endless story of God’s family

We are God’s own people
Sought and bought with precious blood
We are God’s precious people
We’ve been born again into the family of God

So when the world put their trust in money
We are free to turn the other way
We have put our trust in God Almighty
He’s greater than anything that money can buy
Our Father God gives eternal security
with health insurance that can never fail
and a hope that will never fade away
We’ve been born into the family of God

We are God’s own people
Sought and bought with precious blood
We are God’s special people
who’ve been born again into the family of God
We are God’s own people
Sought and bought with precious blood
We are God’s precious people
who’ve been born again into the family of God

God is LIGHT

Knowing the Father
From whom we came
Knowing Him closer
I’ll never be the same
Hearing Him clearer
from day to day
The light shines brighter
I see my way

For God is LIGHT
without a shadow of darkness
God is light
in Him there is no point of darkness
God is LIGHT
without a shadow of darkness
God is light
in Him there is no point of darkness
God is Light
The closer we stay to Him
The brighter our life will be
It is not possible to walk in the darkness
When we spend our days in the presence of God
Our God is LIGHT

it is confusion
Darkness brings pain
it’s filled with oppression
Hurt sorrows and shame
But light always winning
the darkness will go
as light keeps on shining
the darkness must go

God is LIGHT
without a shadow of darkness
God is light
in Him there is no point of darkness
God is LIGHT
without a shadow of darkness
God is light
in Him there is no point of darkness
God is Light
The closer we stay to Him
The brighter our life will be
It is not possible to walk in the darkness
When we spend our days in the presence of God
Our God is LIGHT

The ONE who Loves Me

I have a God
I have a Father
I have the ONE who loves me
He loves me more than any other
I have a God who loves me

I have a God
I have a Father
I have the ONE who loves me
He loves me more than any other
I have the God who loves me

YOU are my God
YOU are my Father
YOU are the ONE who loves me
YOU love me more than any other
YOU are the God who loves me

YOU are my God
YOU are my Father
YOU are the ONE who loves me
YOU love me more than any other
YOU are my God and YOU love me

YOU love me more than any other
YOU are my God and YOU love me

No other god can love me this way
YOU are my God and YOU love me.

My Place

Open my eyes
let me see more clearly
through the mist of the world
let me see what is true
I want to follow where you go

Open my ears
let me hear You clearly
through the noise of this world
Let me pick out Your voice
I want to answer to Your call

Your Call to me is all that matters
Your place for me is where I want to be
There is no purpose to living
if it’s not for Your Willing
Jesus Your call to me is all that matters
God Your place for me is my only home
There is no purpose to living
if it’s not for Your Willing

Your will is perfection

I will come to You daily
I will turn to You Jesus
In Your presence Father
seeking your face
I will come to You daily
I will turn to You Jesus
Knowing Your presence Father
This is my place

Not Shaken

How can I not put my Trust in You
How can I not trust the strength of Your power
Knowing that You hold the world in place
with the Word the Word of Your power

I believe in You Lord
I believe in You Lord Jesus
I place my trust and confidence in Your name
I will not be moved

You are my sure (&) strong foundation
The ONE i build my hopes upon
Though the earth be moved and the oceans dry out
I will not be moved

I believe in You Lord
I believe in You Lord Jesus
I place my trust and confidence in Your name
I will not be moved

I will not be shaken
As I fix my gaze on You
I will not be shaken
Lord I place my trust in You

I believe in You Lord
I believe in You Lord Jesus
I place my trust and confidence in Your name
I will not be moved

How can I not put my Trust in You

Fear No More

I was afraid
Don’t know what tomorrow brings
How could I say
My life had meaning today
But Jesus You made
The way of hope for me
You are the way
I have no fear No more

The darkness is gone
The fear of night is no more
The light is shone
Your presence illuminating me
I find the strength
That I never had before
Jesus You are my only power
I’m weak no more

We arise now
From the ashes of shame oh
We arise now
from death to life
We arise now
His life explodes in us
break down the walls
break off the chains
We’re flying high

The darkness is gone
A new day is dawn
The angels are singing
The sons of God are shining
We know the way
Jesus is the way
You fought for us
You won for us
we have victory

We arise now …

Your Presence

There is something about Your presence
A sweetness I can’t explain
Joy deeper than the ocean distance
A feeling higher than the highest plain

There is something about Your presence
A sweetness I can’t explain
Joy deeper than the ocean distance
A feeling higher than the highest plain

There is something about Your presence
Intoxication true and good
depression and fear disappear
When Your presence is known so near

There is something about Your presence God
Like water to a dying plant
Make us come alive with freshness
Fill us with supernatural strength

Your presence makes alive
Your presence makes us whole
You are the essence of our life
You are our only hope
When I’m wrapped in Your glory
I start to fly in realms of glory
It is more than a feeling
But the feeling is all so real

There’s something about Your presence
It’s because You are the source of life
So when we are in your presence
We refill again with life

Your presence is my daily tonic
spiritual vitamins for my soul
For my body there is healing
from the Father and God of all

There is something about your presence