The Family

I just want to say thank you Lord
I just want to say thank you Lord
I thank You for Your Word
Strong enough to save, heal, preserve and change
I thank You for Your Word
Strong enough to save, heal, preserve and change
Everything I see

So I come into Your presence
with praises on lips
I come declaring what you’ve done
with worship in my heart
Singing of Your faithfulness
Your Word that never fails
Lord I thank You for your faithfulness
Your Word He never fails

I just want to say thank You Lord
I just want to say thank You Lord
You’ve given me Your life,
Your Spirit and Your Son
made me family.
You’ve given me Your life,
Your Spirit and Your Son
made me family
the greatest family ever
You made me family

So I come into Your presence
with praises on lips
I come declaring what you’ve done
with worship in my heart
Singing of Your faithfulness
Your Word that never fails
Lord I thank You for your faithfulness
Your Word He never fails

We are part of the family
We are part of the family
We are part of the family
We are part of the family

No Other Name

The Name of Jesus
Is the name I want to worship
The name is powerful more than I could ever know
The name of Jesus is the highest name of all
There is no other name I will call upon

In the midst of the storm
I will call on Jesus
In the midst of the trial
I will call on Jesus
I am confident
when I call on that name,
There is no other name I will call upon

The name of Jesus
Is the name I will celebrate
When the victory is won
and I stand before that opened the door
even if I’m knocked down and I’m on the floor
There is no other name I will call upon

In the midst of the storm
I will call on Jesus
In the midst of the trial
I will call on Jesus
I am confident
when I call on that name,
There is no other name I will call upon

All hail the power of Jesus name
We know everything bows in Jesus name
there is healing in Jesus name
Complete salvation in Jesus name

In the midst of the storm
I will call on Jesus
In the midst of the trial
I will call on Jesus
I am confident
when I call on that name,
There is no other name I will call upon

You Lifted Me

You lifted me from the pit
And set me above the mountain
Gave me Your wings to fly to the heights
where I could have never dreamed
You set before my eyes Your TRUTH
Stronger than all I’ve ever felt
I thankful for all You’ve done
Dear Lord

Lord I come to You
With a heart of gratitude
Lord I come to You
With praises on my lips
Lord I come to You
Thankful for all You’ve done

You lifted me from the pit
And set me above the mountain
Gave me Your wings to fly to the heights
where I could have never dreamed
You set before my eyes Your TRUTH
Stronger than all I’ve ever felt
I thankful for all You’ve done
Dear Lord

Lord I’m standing here
Here in Your presence
Lord I’m standing here
With my ears inclined to You
When I’m standing here (Lord)
This is life to the fullest
The life of God in me

You lifted me from the pit
And set me above the mountain
Gave me Your wings to fly to the heights
where I could have never dreamed
You set before my eyes Your TRUTH
Stronger than all I’ve ever felt
I thankful for all You’ve done
Dear Lord

Forever Your Own

Lord You are my light
Piercing through the darkness
Your power and great might
Saved me from distress
Lord of my salvation
You lift me from condemnation
You are my light
My only hope of living

Jesus Christ eternal Son
The lamb who sits on the throne
You rule with love forever
I am forever Your own

Fill my heart with Your grace
Let my mind be full of Your Word
Let my hands be used for your glory
my body and all that I am
Let my lips be filled with Your praise
Let my feet announce Your mercy
Let me be a carrier of your presence everywhere I go

Jesus Christ eternal Son
The lamb who sits on the throne
You rule with love forever
I am forever Your own

Open the door for You to enter
I’ll be the ark for You to ride on
Open the gates for Your presence to fill
Every heart, every room

Jesus Christ eternal Son
The lamb who sits on the throne
You rule with love forever
I am forever Your own

Do You Believe This

Standing at the tomb
Stone firmly rolled on
The stink and decay overwhelming
Jesus says to Mary
He will rise today
Do you believe this?

Standing at the tomb
The things you see are fading
Nothing looks like good
The senses evil telling
The Spirit says to us
All is well and good
Do you believe this?

Do you believe this?
Do you believe this?
God’s WORD is given
Do you believe this?

Standing at the tomb
The things you see are fading
Nothing looks like good
The senses evil telling
The Spirit says to us
All is well and good
Do you believe this?

Do you believe this?
Do you believe this?
God’s WORD is given
Do you believe this?

Do you believe this?
Do you believe this?
God’s WORD is spoken
Do you believe this?

We do not walk but we see
We walk by faith in God
There’s power than the eyes can see
It’s right there in His WORD
We’ll not be bound by here and now
We step out into sea
By God’s Spirit in us we soar high
Yes we believe this.

Do you believe this?
Do you believe this?
God’s WORD is given
Do you believe this?

Do you believe this?
Do you believe this?
God’s WORD is spoken
Do you believe this?

Beauty For Ashes

Beauty for ashes
May sound cliche
But that’s what God has done
For us in every way
He’s given us beauty for ashes
Can you picture that again
And see the beauty
Turn your back on the ashes

Beauty for ashes
May sound cliche
But that’s what You have done
Lord for us in every way
You’ve given us beauty for ashes
I can picture that again
And see the beauty
Turn my back on the ashes

This is how I give You glory
My Lord and King of ages
I will not look at the ashes that are now behind me
The beauty you made me
Is all I see
It’s beauty for ashes indeed; I’m beautiful
It’s beauty for ashes indeed; I’m beautiful

Rags to riches; Death to life
Troubles to peace; sickness to health
These and many more
Are knowing You Jesus
And beauty for ashes is not just
a rhyme to chant along

This is how I give You glory
My Lord and King of ages
I will not look at the ashes that are now behind me
The beauty you made me
Is all I see
It’s beauty for ashes indeed; I’m beautiful
It’s beauty for ashes indeed; I’m beautiful

God’s Way

I will keep my eyes fixed on you
I will turn my face behold your glory
and as i look on intently,
the brightness will be stronger
the light will show much brighter
I will keep my eyes on You Lord

Let us live in the TRUTH of Your Word
Let us experience everyday
the True and living way
No other way is good enough
It’s God’s way
No other way

I will keep my ears tuned to you
Let my heart be filled with what You say
hold on to Your Word for me today
the seed will not be stolen
No troubles will be choking
I will tune my ears to You Lord

Let us live in the TRUTH of Your Word
Let us experience everyday
the True and living way
No other way is good enough
It’s God’s way
No other way

Open the eyes of our heart
Give us the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation
Let us know the hope of your Calling
and your glory and power to us

Let us live in the TRUTH of Your Word
Let us experience everyday
the True and living way
No other way is good enough
It’s God’s way
No other way

My Devotion

All my days
I have pledged to follow You
Every way
Must be led by Your Spirit
To the place
Where I see Your face
and Your voice
Speaking clearly to me

My devotion, my devotion
is to You Jesus
My devotion, consecration
is to You Jesus
All I am or ever will be belong to you
All I have or ever will own
is in You

Many things try to steal my heart from You
But my worship is for You alone, yes it’s true
from the depth of my soul I will cry
And my everything dedicated to pleasing You

My devotion, my devotion
is to You Jesus
My devotion, consecration
is to You Jesus
All I am or ever will be belong to you
All I have or ever will own

My devotion, my devotion
is to You Jesus
My devotion, consecration
is to You Jesus
All I am or ever will be belong to you
All I have or ever will own

My devotion, my devotion
is to You Jesus
My devotion, consecration
is to You Jesus
All I am or ever will be belong to you
All I have or ever will own
is in You


I’m sanctified
I’m justified
I’m purified
By the blood of the Lamb
I’ll testify
I’ll glorify
He beautifies
If you call on His name

Jesus is the ONE
Who was virgin born
God’s only Son
Our victory won
He calls us His own
With Him we are one
Through the blood
of His sacrifice

Let us rejoice
Sing with one voice
Make a loud noise
To sing His praise
For we are free
Forever free
All glory be
To the God of grace

We are the ones who should shout the loudest
‘cos our God is the highest highest
Raise your voice wherever you are and let the world know


It was a long and cruel night
The prince of darkness took on THE LIGHT
The son of God judged on a lie
Nailed on a Roman cross to die

Many years have come and gone
God has given up His son
People standing by the cross
Watch the victim of the curse
Everyone has a tale to tell
Some in shock, some curses to yell
What’s your story standing by
Was it your sin there, or is it just History?

Through the years past and yet to come
Everyone stands at the roman cross
See the crushing of sin by God
Add their own or take them home

Many years have come and gone
God has given up His son
People standing by the cross
Watch the victim of the curse
Everyone has a tale to tell
Some in shock, some curses to yell
What’s your story standing by
Was it your sin there, or is it just History?

But He was bruised for our sin
He was crushed for our pain
The punishment to give us peace was laid on Him
and by His wounds we are healed

Many years have come and gone
God has given up His son
People standing by the cross
Watch the victim of the curse
Everyone has a tale to tell
Some in shock, some curses to yell
What’s your story standing by
Was it your sin there, or is it just History?