Saviour Master Loving God

All the heavens declare your glory
The earth will sing your praise
Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God

All of creation show Your goodness
My heart sings unto you
Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God

Every knee must bow in Your presence
Oh the brightness of your face
You are Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God
You are Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God

I am honoured to be called by your name
You have taken away my shame
You are Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God

Holy Holy Holy Holy
Lord Great God Almighty
You are Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God

Jesus Jesus Great redeemer
The Lord who died for all
You are Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God

Jesus Jesus Great Redeemer
The Christ who rose again
You are Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God
Saviour, Master, Loving loving loving God


I want to be free
I want liberty
Don’t hold me back
Don’t tie me down
Unlock the gates
open the doors
and let me out
I want to be free

Why tell me what to do
when I don’t want to take your rule?
Why put me in a cage
when I want to be dancing on a stage?
Why put chains on my hands and feet
when I want to run and swing and flip?
Why put a gag on my lip
when I want to scream and shout and let it all out?

But how could I let you out, just to knock another out
how could I let you dance when your stage is another’s head
If I let you scream and shout, you only gonna kill your friend
But I want you to be free, so this is what I’m gonna do

I want to be free
I want liberty
Don’t hold me back
Don’t tie me down
Unlock the gates
open the doors
and let me out
I want to be free

I’m not gonna tell you what to do
You will know by my rule in your heart?
I’m not gonna put you in a cage
You’ll be dancing freely on my stage?
There’ll be no chains on your hands and feet
You’ll have mine to run and swing and flip?
I’ll put my Words on your lip
Then you can scream and shout and let it all out?

This is how I let you out, you won’t knock another out
This is how I get you to dance when your dance gives your neighbour strength
I will let you scream and shout, ‘cos your shout will be the devil’s end
Yes I want you to be free, and this is what I’m gonna do

I want to be free
Now you are free
I want liberty
You have liberty
Don’t hold me back
Not holding you back no
Don’t tie me down
Nothing tying you down no
Unlock the gates
The gates are broken
open the doors
Open doors before you
and let me out
Go in my name
I want to be free
There ain’t no law against you.

Go in my name
There ain’t no law against you.

Victory Is Sure

I make my boast in The Lord
I make my boast in Jesus
Standing on The Word
I know victory is sure
This is the walk of Faith
not taking any chance
Put all my trust in Jesus
I know victory is sure

He leads me through the sure path
He leads me through the quiet waters
but even though I stray
and find myself in dark shadows
I will not be afraid
For He’s there to guide me out
His rod and staff will comfort me
So I know victory is sure

God’s the only One who knows
all possible outcomes
God’s the only One who sees
tomorrow’s many options
Christ is the One who chose
the best route to the goal
So I put my trust in Jesus
I know victory is sure

He leads me through the sure path
He leads me through the quiet waters
but even though I stray
and find myself in dark shadows
I will not be afraid
For He’s there to guide me out
His rod and staff will comfort me
So I know victory is sure

God’s the only One who knows
all possible outcomes
God’s the only One who sees
tomorrow’s many options
Christ is the One who chose
the best route to the goal
So I put my trust in Jesus
I know victory is sure

Victory is sure
Victory is sure
When I put my trust in Jesus
I know victory is sure.

God Loves You

Fascinated by the world
Letting daily life unfold
Take some time to stop
let the penny drop

Go round the world; explore the ball
Take to the skies and see it all
But Strength and peace comes from this call
“God Loves you”

Looking for satisfaction
Go for more exploration
Here comes the next adventure
Another new endeavour
The ball keeps on rolling
Going nowhere

Aren’t you tired of turning round in circles?
Don’t you want to be at peace, not stumble?
You even gone to take the pose
for “inner peace”, you suppose
Hey, shh, listen

Go to the ends of earth and back
Take to the skies and try to see it all
Strength and peace comes from this call
“God Loves you”

God loves you
Yes He does
God loves you
Yes you

Go to the ends of earth and back
Take to the skies and try to see it all
Strength and peace comes from this call
“God Loves you”

There is no point running away
Away from the One who knows you best
In spite of your flaws and failures and tests
Christ Loves you more than yourself and the rest
Come home to Him and let your soul find rest
Run into Jesus; rest your head on His chest
He can handle you and everything that concerns (you)
God Loves you

The Facts

I have a maker
His name is Jesus
He’s the creator
By Him all things were made
I love to know Him
I need to walk with Him
He brings clarity
To this foggy scene

I have is a saviour
His name is Jesus
He’s God unveiled
In human form revealed
He is LOVE unhinged
Compassion poured out
Removes completely
The verdict of guilt

I have a master
His name is Jesus
He is the King
Over all things
His word is law to me
His Love enough for me
I have a master
He is my Lord

I have a Father
His name is Jesus
The Christ who issues
Unending life to me
Without Him I’m dead
Away from Him I have no breath
He’s my sustainer
My life forever

I yearn know Him more
Draw a little closer
Stare a little longer
At His awesome splendour
Go in deeper
Till I see nothing else
All surrounded
By His loving goodness

I have a maker
I have a saviour
I have a master
I have a Lord
I have a Father
I have a leader
I have a guardian
And in all this, He’s my friend

Waking Up

Waking up to the new season
Waking up to the new life
Turning up to receive lessons
Growing up in the new life
Showing up to be a blessing
Praying up to see God’s willing
Wake me up; I’m in the new world

Let our eyes be opened
To a new awareness
Turn away from darkness
We belong to His glorious brightness
Wake up from the slumber
The deceit of darkness
Rise up from the deadness
And let Christ shine on you
We are alive to God

Waking up to Grace empowered
Waking up to righteous living
Waking up to I’m delivered
Waking up to Agape loving
Waking up to Holy Ghost leading
Waking up to cheerful giving
Wake me up I’m in God’s New World

Let our eyes be opened
To a new awareness
Turn away from darkness
We belong to His glorious brightness
Wake up from the slumber
The deceit of darkness
Rise up from the deadness
And let Christ shine on you
We are alive to God

Waking up to thanksgiving
Waking up to Agape loving
Waking up to Holy Ghost leading
Waking up to God-Life living


You are the anchor of my soul
You are the anchor of my soul
For every age and in every stage
You Lord are the anchor of my soul

There may be Worries, fears
Anxieties calling
Pain, cares
Of the world pulling
My mind like a ballon
Wanna start floating

I have the anchor
I have the anchor

The promises of God
Forever sure
They Cannot fail
Forever sure
My eyes rest on them
My Lips reciting them
Bringing my mind back to rest
Bringing my mind back to rest

You are the anchor of my soul
You are the anchor of my soul
For every age and in every stage
You Lord are the anchor of my soul

My ship is waiting
For clear direction
And my ship will be sailing
To destination
The sea it bellows
To bring distraction

But I have the anchor
To keep me steady
The promises of God
Forever sure
They Cannot fail
Forever sure
My eyes rest on them
My Lips reciting them
Bringing my mind back to rest
Bringing my mind back to rest

You are the anchor of my soul
You are the anchor of my soul
For every age and in every stage
You Lord are the anchor of my soul

Tunnel Vision

Looking straight ahead on Jesus
Set The Word of God in focus
Everything else everything else
Fade away

Put my mind in one direction
Taking out God’s subscription
Everything else everything else
Turn away

I gotta have a tunnel vision
Take me right through the ocean
Faith will keep the waters standing
Not looking at the waves crashing
I gotta have a tunnel vision
The Lord said “Come” So I get on
His Word is enough to hold me
Not gonna turn; and allow fears come in

Set guard around my vision
The Word of God my sole commission
Keep looking at Him looking on Him
Till I touch His hand

Did I hear the wind calling?
Did I hear the storm raging?
There’s only one voice only one voice
I need to hear

God has said it
God has said it
The Lord said it
This is all I need to know

God has said it
God has said it
The Lord has said it
This is all I need to hear

God has said it
God has said it
The Lord has said it
This all I need to see

God has said it
God has said it
The Lord has said it

I gotta have a tunnel vision
Take me right through the ocean
Faith will keep the waters standing
Not looking at the waves crashing
I gotta have a tunnel vision
The Lord said “Come” So I get on
His Word is enough to hold me up
Not gonna turn; and allow fears come in

Free – Lay It Down

I lay this life
You gave to me
Down on your alter
and I am free
Free from the shackles
of daily cares
this world would place
upon my soul

The life I live now is not my own
I live by faith now in God’s own Son
He gave himself for me so I can let go
of the life of sin and death, and be truly free

Christ lives in me now
I was crucified (with Jesus)
I have no claim to sin
Death has no claim on me.
The life that keeps this body
belongs to Jesus
so I owe it all to Him
to live by faith

I did not earn this
I did not pay for it
I can’t sustain it even if I tried
So the least I can do is give it back to You Lord
And wholly trust You to bring it home

The life I live now is not my own
I live by faith now in God’s own Son
He gave himself for me so I can let go
of the life of sin and death, and be truly free

I lay it down now; I’m truly free
I lay it down now; I’m truly free


Thank You for this dance
Thank You for the chance
To finding You today
And knowing you everyday
Thank you for the pleasure
Of finding out this treasure
That is You

You let me dream of Utopian heights
And then reveal that You’ve planned for me
to be right there where I dreamt of
There’s pleasure in a drink when there is thirst
So You let me thirst and yearn for You
Though You’ve given yourself for me

Thank You for this dance
Thank You for the chance
To finding You today
And knowing you everyday
Thank you for the pleasure
Of finding out this treasure
That is You

So daily when I rise, I begin
To seek you Lord, all again
Though You’re never lost or left me alone
But yearning for You, my desire
Is the perfect prequel to take me high
On You my tonic who’s always here with me

So thank You for this dance
Thank You for the chance
To finding You today
And knowing you everyday
Thank you for the pleasure
Of finding out this treasure
That is You

You are my daily desire
You are my ever burning fire
I must drink of You today
Be being filled by You everyday