
Stand up stand out
Head and shoulders taller than
Everyone in the room
Wouldn’t go unnoticed
Fight fight fight hard
Reach the apex of my dreams
Make it big make it great
In everybody’s eyes

Keep building keep going
Building higher going farther
Get the name, get the fame
Let the whole world sing my name
Clap clap they all be clapping
Wow wow they all be tripping
But it ain’t enough to keep me ticking

My contentment is simple
My contentment is clear
That I would lay hold on that for which Jesus has laid hold on me
That I would grab unto that for which Jesus has grabbed on to me.

Blend in fit in
Do my thing from within
Go about go unnoticed
They don’t even know my name
Who cares who dares
Say I’ve done nothing here
If I done what Jesus said, I got it made

My contentment is simple
My contentment is clear
That I would lay hold on that for which Jesus has laid hold on me
That I would grab unto that for which Jesus has grabbed on to me.

One thing matters most
One thing that means everything
That I may know God as Father
‘Cos Jesus got a hold of me
I gotta know God my Father much closer
‘Cos Jesus got a hold on me

Alive In You

Thank you for your sacrifice
Thank you for your life you poured out
This empty shell was destined for doom
But you filled with God-life made brand new

Thank for the turnaround
From the way to death and hell-bound
Gave hope from God that lasts forever
It’s A new life; Now I’m heaven-bound

Thank Jesus The Christ
Thank you anointed One of God
Thank you for new life
I’m alive in You
Without you all is lost
Apart from you I’m truly cursed
But you found me, I am found
Truly blessed, alive in You

Holy Lord forever praised
I’m gonna worship You now and forever.
And gladly I will follow you way
No turning back now or never.

Glory glory all around I see
Cos you’ve surrounded and hold me
In you I’m fully covered by You Grace
Yes Lord; I’m alive in You.

Beauty for ashes
Glory for shame
Blessings for punishment
What a turnaround
Beauty for ashes
God-Life for death
Crowns for damnation
I’m alive, alive in you

Magnify The Lord

Oh magnify the Lord with me
Big Him up in your mind
For He is truly bigger, you’ll see
He’s bigger than anything you will find

Oh magnify The Lord He’s great
Come experience reality
His greatness is The Truth to see
Everything else is but a lie

Magnify The Lord He’s Christ
The anointed ONE of God to save
And when you let Him fill your sight
Only then you start to live

Oh magnify The Lord He’s God
Be humble and boast in Him
Put Him on and hide within His coat
Explore your world inside of Him

There’s nothing out there to fear
When you’re secure in Christ
So magnify The Lord always
And find in Him your security

Magnify The Lord He’s Christ
The anointed ONE of God to save
And when you let Him fill your sight
Only then you start to live

Trusting Jesus

Nobody knows tomorrow but you
Nobody has all power but you
So I can stake my life on you
And I know that You come through
Nobody loves me more than You
Nobody died for me but You
So I will stake my life on You
Lord I know that You’ve come through

Trusting Jesus, you’ve come through
Trusting Jesus with this life brand new
Trusting Jesus in this journey of faith
It’s you that started it in me, and you will finish it in me.

This life I live is not my own
It’s Your life that you poured out into me
So Lord I owe You everything
I trust You with everything
The life I had before was death
And the light I had before was dark
Ain’t nothing there worth holding to
I turn away and look to Christ

Trusting Jesus, you’ve come through
Trusting Jesus with this life brand new
Trusting Jesus in this journey of faith
It’s you that started it in me, and you will finish it in me.

Your Words I speak to set direction
Your Spirit will lead and power my action

Always with The Lord

It’s another day
To save up eternal pay
Won’t let it go away
won’t throw this chance away
Treasures we should lay
For eternity
Jesus will repay
When He returns someday

For The Lord himself shall descend
With Angelic shout and trump of God
The dead in Christ will arise first
And we who remain shall, shall be caught up
with them in the clouds
caught up
Changed in an instant
caught up
And we shall ever be with the Lord

It’s another day
No need to delay
Spend sometime today
To show someone The Way
Hold their hands and pray
Get new LIFE today
So on that great day
They’ll join the saints in glory

For The Lord himself shall descend
With Angelic shout and trump of God
The dead in Christ will arise first
And we who remain shall, shall be caught up
with them in the clouds
caught up
Changed in an instant
caught up
And we shall ever be with the Lord

O what a great day
O what a great day
O what a great day
It will be it will be

For The Lord himself shall descend
With Angelic shout and trump of God
The dead in Christ will arise first
And we who remain shall, shall be caught up
with them in the clouds
caught up
Changed in an instant
caught up
And we shall ever be with the Lord

Dare to Believe

Who will dare to believe The Lord’s report
Who will take Him simply at His Word
Who will trust in Him with all their heart
Who would say “Yes Lord, I Believe”

Dare to believe
God has done just what He said
Dare to believe
It is exactly as it’s written in His Word
Dare to believe
God is true more than I see, or feel
Dare, dare to believe

Who will unveil the arm of The Lord
Who will experience His mighty power
Who will show this world just how Great our God is
Who would go “Yes Lord, I Believe”

Grace Multiplied

There’s the answer to the question of your heart
There’s the way to the destination
It won’t come by increasing motion
To figure out the way that leads out of the desert
So turn away from storm around you
Look inside to The ONE who made you
Less is this and more of HIM is all
Knowing Jesus more, is today’s call

Grace is multiplied
Grace is multiplied
Grace is multiplied
In knowing Jesus

Waste no time chasing shadows of The Truth; they lie
Don’t lose out ‘cos you’re running after
The very things that God has given ya.
Don’t be wise in Your eyes
Trust in God, and not your hires
He’s the ONE your heart so much desires
So let Christ be first in everything

Less of this and more of HIM is all
Knowing Jesus more, is today’s call

Grace is multiplied
Grace is multiplied
Grace is multiplied
In knowing Jesus

God’s Peace is the open door
And God’s Grace the needed power
By His Grace we see the hidden way
That leads to destiny
Outside of Grace a day’s journey
Can be an eternal wandering
In the wilderness going nowhere

Grace is multiplied
Grace is multiplied
Grace is multiplied
In knowing Jesus

Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega
Beginning and the end
You are God my maker
And now become my friend
How could The Almighty
Become a frail like me
But You have chosen
To wrap me in Your strength
Alpha and Omega
Your power has no end
You have got me covered
Forevermore defend

Alpha and Omega
My Circle all around
Your Love keeps rolling over
You bless with no end found
With You there’s no beginning
And there will be no end
So Your praise I’ll keep on singing
And my knees will always bend
Before my timeless hero
God, my Lord and King
You’re my one ambition
You’re my Everything

Alpha and Omega
Let every living thing
Turn their face to seek you
With lifted hands in praise
There’s no explanation
To turn away from Your love
There is every blessed reason
To sit with you above
Forever and ever and ever
Your story never ends
And now and every moment
My heart and all are Yours

Alpha and Omega
Beginning and the end
You are God my maker
And now become my friend

The Blood Speaks (better things)

Breaking out from the insides
of purest vessel prepared by God
Kept pure by Jesus the Son
The blood speaks

With every lash of pain
And every flow of strain
Drops of pure blood from the lamb of God slain
The blood speaks

Speaks eternal plea

Sipping from his back
With every lash of the whip
And every scourge brought on Him; My Lord
The Blood speaks

Pouring down from his head
With the thorns deeply pierced
Blood running down his face; Jesus my God
The Blood speaks

Forgiveness for all
The Blood speaks
Deliverance for all
The blood speaks
Salvation today
For everyone who calls on His name
The blood speaks
Redemption for all
The blood speaks
Peace for all
The BLOOD of Jesus Speaks
Better things

Break’n out of His body
The pure lamb of God; Flowing
from crevices of His broken body on the cross
The blood speaks

Dripping from pierced hands and feet
Pouring from the spear on his side
A river of cleansing is opened for all
The blood speaks

With a loud cry to the heavens

Forgiveness for all
The Blood speaks
Deliverance for all
The blood speaks
Salvation today
For everyone who calls on His name
The blood speaks
Redemption for all
The blood speaks
Peace for all
The BLOOD of Jesus Speaks
Better things

Keep Hope Alive


with backing vocals: Joy-Victoria Erivwo, Jeremiah Erivwo, John Erivwo and Dusana Erivwo


Keep Hope Alive

Feed the embers of the flame
The fire started in his name
by the Promise that He gave
The Promise from the KING of all
This hope will surely never fail
That’s feeding on God’s promises
So Fan it to flames burning in your mind (with the movements of your mind)
Hope in God’s promises you find

Keep Hope Alive

Turn them over in your thinking
God’s promises let them be your speaking
Let the confidence increase
Assurance of your Hope not cease
Saying it boldly because it’s written
Your Hope, The WORD forever written
So Fan it to flames with the movements of your mind
Declare and rewind

Keep Hope Alive
Keep Hope Alive
Keep Hope Alive
Keep Hope Alive

You will never be ashamed
The promise of God will never fail
So keep your Hope in Jesus name
Firmly rooted in His Love
Feed your hope.
Guard your faith
Keep believing
Keep on dancing
Fanning to flames burning in your mind
God’s promise that you find

Keep Hope Alive
Keep Hope Alive
Keep Hope Alive
Keep Hope Alive