Holy is The Lord

Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Holy is the Lord
The Lord of host
Worthy to be praised for eternity
Let all angels and saints bow before your throne

You created all things
Stretched out the heavens
With your mighty arm
With your power
With the Word of your mouth
You spoke all things into being
And you’ve called use your own
To be with us
With hearts we sing

Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Holy is the Lord
The lord of host
Let your name be praised for all eternity
Holy is the Lord God of host

In your love you did not leave us to die in sin
You sent your only son to come and rescue us
You went on with your plan
To have your Spirit living in us
A new creation; you made us
And we cry from the depth of our hearts

Holy is the Lord God almighty
Holy is the Lord Lord of Host
Let everything that has breadth praise you now
Holy holy holy
Lord Almighty
Holy is the Lord

Forever Praise

A thousand years,
A thousand tongues
Forever will not be enough
To sing the praise of my King and Saviour
My God and Father Lord of all
You are the source creator of all
The same from kingdoms rise to kingdoms fall
Remains the same through all generations

Forever will not be enough
To declare your goodness
Forever will not be enough
To sing your praises
Forever will not be enough
To proclaim your majesty
You remain the same from kingdoms rise to kingdoms fall

A thousand choirs
A thousand bands
Will not exhaust the pomp you deserve
You’re more than all the show we have to give
Hallelujah, all Hail our King
From eternity past till forever to come
Is the anthem of the saints and angels above

Forever will not be enough
To declare your goodness
Forever will not be enough
To sing your praises
Forever will not be enough
To proclaim your majesty
You remain the same from kingdoms rise to kingdoms fall.


I’m amazed at you goodness
Amazed at your LOVE
Amazed at your power
To love me

I surrender my learning
At the feet of you knowing
To receive all of you Lord
To be amazed forever

Lord Jesus You amaze me
You are my fascination
I will hold my Gaze on you
Till I’m absorbed into you

Daily I will wake up
To lift you, lift your name up
Daily I will turn my face to admire
The wonder of your goodness
And my heart light up as fire
Looking at God’s glory
I’m transforming to this glory

I must decrease
You must increase
More of you
Less of me
All of you
None of me

God’s Forgiveness

One eternal sacrifice
One eternal lamb of God
Jesus’ blood was shed
For forgiveness of all
One pure life came down
For the redemption of many
God’s forgiveness is given
Once and for all

The blood of Jesus covers all sin
All who come under the covering are forgiven and saved for eternity
The blood of Jesus the lamb of God
washes completely once and for all
God’s forgiveness (given) for eternity

A body God prepared
for the lamb He provided
On the alter not on earth
But in Heaven forever
One time paid for all eternity
Forgiveness from God
Is given once for all eternity

The blood of Jesus covers all sin
All who come under the covering are forgiven and saved for eternity
The blood of Jesus the lamb of God
washes completely once and for all
God’s forgiveness (Once) for eternity

Just as it’s appointed for man once to die
So Christ appeared once to pay for our sin
God’s forgiveness purchased for everyone

The blood of Jesus covers all sin
All who come under the covering are forgiven and saved for eternity
The blood of Jesus the lamb of God
washes completely once and for all
God’s forgiveness (given) for eternity


We have a comforter
From God our Father
He’s with us forever
He’s the Holy Spirit

Comfort now
Rest in God’s arms
Let Him hold you now
Receive His comfort now
Healed from the distress of the enemy
In Christ you have the victory

We have a Comforter
He has all power
To heal every sorrow
Holy Spirit

Turn to the Comforter
He’s with you forever
He’s here even right now
Holy Spirit

Comfort now
Rest in God’s arms
Let Him hold you now
Receive His comfort now
Healed from the distress of the enemy
In Christ you have the victory

Let your heart hear His voice
Shut out all the noise
And Let the Spirit of God
Comfort you from the inside out

Comfort now
Rest in God’s arms
Let Him hold you now
Receive His comfort now
Healed from the distress of the enemy
In Christ you have the victory


You are the Holy ONE
The God of Abraham
Author of creation
Reveal your mighty arm

You are the Holy ONE
The great and mighty King
Let all creation sing
To the GOD of Abraham

Is what you do to us
When we worship
In spirit and in Truth
Is what we going through
When we set our gaze on You

You are before time began
And when the end has come
You still remain the King
Eternal God of all

Hosanna to your Name
Let every breath sing Your praise
Great Father God
We are here to sing your praise

Is what you do to us
When we worship
In spirit and in Truth
Is what we going through
When we set our gaze on You

Show Off

How can I say thank you
For salvation and the cross
How can I express my gratitude
For the blood bought life you gave to me
There are no words to convey
The weight of the gift you’ve given me

So I will show it off
By living it off
And be the light
Set on the hilltop
I won’t be conformed
to the world unformed
But be the form
That you my God has made me in full form

This is my Thanksgiving
Not complaining about the things I think ain’t happening
This is my Thanksgiving
Being obedient to the command to be
Transformed by renewing my mind
Success through filling my heart and my mouth with your word
Be a true ambassador of your holy nation

I will show it off
By living it off
And be the light
Set on the hilltop
I won’t be conformed
To the world uninformed
But be the form
That you my God has made me in full form

For this life that I live
It’s not I but Christ that lives in Me
The life that I live now
is by the faith of Christ, the Son of God who loves me

I will show it off
By living it off
And be the light
Set on the hilltop
I won’t be conformed
To the world uninformed
But be the form
That you my God has made me in full form


is a choice that we make
So we praising
From our core it don’t break
Holiness eternal lake
There is joy, joy joy

Not a feeling that fades
It is fighting
In Holiness fight of faith
Not emotion
Not a chance that we fail
This is joy, joy, joy

Rejoicing is the way of the kingdom
Rejoicing is the practice of righteousness
Rejoicing is the way of the ones called victorious by the sacrifice of the Lamb

It’s the tool with (which) we draw
From the treasures
of salvation the hope of the promise
God has spoken His Word
Brings us
Joy, joy, joy

It’s the act of The King
And His under kings with Him
They be laughing at satan’s
Attacking they fail
We have
Joy Joy Joy

Rejoicing is the way of the kingdom
Rejoicing is the practice of righteousness
Rejoicing is the way of the ones called victorious by the sacrifice of the Lamb

Rejoice Rejoice
Emmanuel has come

Rejoicing is the way of the kingdom
Rejoicing is the practice of righteousness
Rejoicing is the way of the ones called victorious by the sacrifice of the Lamb

I Dedicate

I dedicate my time
I dedicate my life
I dedicate my praise to You

I dedicate my mind
I dedicate my thoughts
I dedicate my all to you

You are the source of all I have to start with
You are the source of who I am
So I owe it back to you
There is nothing that I could be outside you that is worth it
You are more than the worth of it all
(So o o o)

I dedicate my praise
I dedicate my praise
I dedicate my praise to You God

You erased my past that deserved a future of hell
You became my history and guaranteed my future as well
So my present days are spent singing well of you
Sing and shout your praise from the rooftops to the galaxies end

I dedicate my praise
I dedicate my praise
I dedicate my praise to You God

I dedicate my praise
I dedicate my dance
I dedicate my celebration to Jesus

I dedicate my shout
I dedicate my dance
I dedicate my praise to you God

I dedicate my praise
I dedicate my praise
I dedicate my praise to You Lord

Thanksgiving & Gratitude

Thanksgiving and gratitude
is my daily anthem
That is my winning attitude
to acknowledge the blessing

God has blessed us
in Christ the son
The Father has blessed us
In Christ all battles won
The more I look on the victory cross
And see that Jesus has taken my curse
The only thing that’s left for me to do
is this

Thanksgiving and gratitude
this my daily anthem
putting on this attitude
Knowing God has blessed me
Lifted hands and raised voice
Dancing feet and rejoicing heart
Thanksgiving and gratitude
this is my daily anthem.

When attacked by troubles
When hard times try to pull down
and I’m tempted to go down the path of depression
Lord help reignite the vision
of the risen Christ who won it all
And seeing myself in Him victorious too
all that is left to do is

Thanksgiving and gratitude
this my daily anthem
putting on this attitude
Knowing God has blessed me
Lifted hands and raised voice
Dancing feet and rejoicing heart
Thanksgiving and gratitude
This is my daily anthem.

Thanksgiving and gratitude
this my daily anthem
putting on this attitude
Knowing God has blessed me
Lifted hands and raised voice
Dancing feet and rejoicing heart
Thanksgiving and gratitude
This is my daily anthem.