
To obey is better than sacrifice
For the sacrifice will mean nothing
If there’s no obedience in it

To obey is better than sacrifice
The heart is of much higher price
Than outward show trying to impress

But we were born into disobedience
Part of a lost tribe and fallen race
from a long line of the disobedient ones

But Jesus came, the Obedient ONE
Became the sacrifice that means everything
Jesus came, The Obedient ONE
Became the sacrifice that changed everything; He changed everything

To obey is better than sacrifice
For the sacrifice will mean nothing
If there’s no obedience in it

We are born again to a new tribe
The eternal tribe of the Obedient ONE
With new heart inside, made from obedience

We belong to the obedient race
Our sacrifice is covered in grace
In Christ “The Obedient” we’ve found our place

To obey is better than sacrifice
The Obedient ONE has paid the price
So that we all can offer a sacrifice

But Jesus came, the Obedient ONE
Became the sacrifice that means everything
Jesus came, The Obedient ONE
Became the sacrifice that changed everything; He changed everything

To obey is better than sacrifice
The Obedient ONE has paid the price
So that we all can offer a sacrifice

We’re now in the obedient race

Be Healed

God sent His Word
And healed them
The Word in the flesh
He healed them
Jesus anointed with the Spirit and Power
He healed them
Healed them all

We receive His Word
And we are healed
We partake of His body
We are healed
He has anointed us with the Spirit and power
Healed you
Healed us all

Be healed today
Don’t wait another day
Be healed today
Do not delay
The healing power of God is here
Be healed
Be healed today

Be healed in your body
Be healed in your mind
Receive the healing Word of God
His power is here to make you well

Be healed today
Don’t wait another day
Be healed today
Do not delay
The healing power of God is here
Be healed
Be healed today

Find The Song

I find the song of joy
I have the sound of joy
It’s here inside of me
It’s deep inside of me

And when the mud is cleared
And when the fog is clear
I find this jewel pure
Right where it’s been before

For God has put it there
The Lord has placed it here
A song for me to sing
The song of joy to sing

I find the tune of peace
I have the rock of peace
Unmoved and buried deep
Secured from outer storms

I find the song of peace
Unchanged by society
Composed by hands unseen
And not of this world

I have the song of peace
I sing the song of peace
Unchanged by society
Unmoved by outer storms

Jesus the Son of God
Jesus The Anointed One
You are my song of joy
You are my tune of peace

Jesus You are sat indeed,
From death you rose yes You did
Lord Christ You conquered death
Now I have peace (life) on earth

All that I need is here
All that I want is near
Christ is the start and end
Christ is the start and end

All that I need is here
All that I want is near
Christ is the start and end
Christ is my song of Joy

I find the song of joy
I have the sound of joy
It’s here inside of me
It’s deep inside of me


Listen on YouTube

Don’t let your heart fail
for God is with you;
He loves you; God loves you more than you know.
Don’t let go of your peace, the Lord has put in you
‘cos He loves you, He loves you;
God loves you more than you can tell.

He has done everything to save you
God has done everything to help you
He has done everything; His hands are stretched out towards you.
Only receive this love
Receive this help
Receive His grace
Receive it all now
Receive the Love
Receive God’s grace
Receive His help
The gift is there and waiting for you.

Who will believe what I have done?
Who will receive what I have given?
Who will come freely drink?
Who will come freely feast in my presence, so free?
Who will come freely drink?
Come freely feast
Come and take of the treasures of God

It’s in Christ
You can call on Him right now
It’s in Christ
We can call on Him right now
For everyone who calls on the name of Jesus is saved
Everyone who calls on the name of The Lord is saved.
Who will call?
Will you just call right where you are?
Will you just reach out right now?
Will you just call right where you are?
Will you just reach out right now?

For the Lord says
Who will receive?
Who will come drink and be satisfied in your thirsty soul?
Who will come drink?
Freely receive and be satisfied once and forever in God.


with Kay Adeniran on Bass and Ehimen Orukpe on Guitars

Be blessed
For God has blessed you
Be healed
Jesus has healed you
Be free
For the chains are broken
God’s made you all He’s called you to be

Jesus paid the price to make you
Everything The Father has called you
His blood has brought us in
And now we’re living in
The new creation
New Life in God is ours now
The life of Christ to live now
Not asking you to do
What He hasn’t done for you
Not called to stressing;
Just be

Be blessed
For God has blessed you
Be healed
Jesus has healed you
Be free
For the chains are broken
God’s made you all He’s called you to be

The things God commanded
Are things that He has provided
He changed us from inside
To show off on outside
Look in and work out
God our Father has called us
To live the life that He has given us
We have to talk the talk
And we must walk the walk
He’s done it all
Let’s be

Be blessed
For God has blessed you
Be healed
Jesus has healed you
Be free
For the chains are broken
God’s made you all He’s called you to be

Be Love
For you are born of Love
Be Holy
Your Father is Holiness
Be peace
Inside you’s the Prince of Peace
Be healing
Divine life is flowing in you


You keep in perfect peace
Whose mind is stayed on you
You keep in safety
Whose heart is set to You

I will be steady
I will be still
I will be in safety
My eyes on You

Christ is my sure foundation
My Solid Rock on which I build
Jesus my preservation
No one or thing can destroy

I spend my days in perfect peace
I live my life in perfect peace
God is the wall around me
God is my eternal security

I will be steady
I will be still
I will be in safety
My eyes on You

I am be steady
I stand be still
I’m in safety
‘cos my eyes on Jesus

Don’t Grow Cold

Don’t let your love grow cold
Be strong courageous and be bold
Proclaim the name of Christ that you hold
And let His glory in your life unfold

Don’t let your faith in God grow dim
Life is not all about what seems
His Word is sure and He is faithful to redeem
His life in us, the dark can’t stand its beam

Prayer is not a daily chore
Plug into life source for more
The life we live is supplied from Divine store
Death has no chance when we charge up on Divine liquor

Don’t let your Love expression shrink
We will not let our hearts to sink
To lows beneath our family; we’ll think
According to Divine wisdom from our KING


Waiting on the Lord
don’t mean waiting for the Lord
For the Lord ain’t slow
and you aren’t ahead of Him on the go

Waiting on the Lord
means setting your attention
On the Master and King of All
With whom there’s nothing impossible

Waiting on the Lord
means shutting out the chaos
and holding still to the ONE
who can never be shaken

Waiting on the Lord
don’t mean waiting for the Lord
For the Lord ain’t slow
and you aren’t ahead of Him on the go

Waiting on the Lord
is sticking with the ONE
who holds the universe in His palm
unto him all storms must bow

Stay with The Lord
Abide in His presence
Don’t run out into the storm
Stay in the bossom of His safety
Wait on The Lord
Let His presence consume You
and His bubble elevate You
above every storm and trouble

Waiting on the Lord
don’t mean waiting for the Lord
for the Lord ain’t slow
and you aren’t ahead of Him and on the go

Wait, wait, wait on The Lord
Wait, wait, wait on the Lord

Never to busy
to take on the easy
the world outside’s crazy
and everything’s hazy
But I ain’t gonna be lazy
and pretend I am too busy
To turn to God and pray
Even when I don’t know what to say
God is my light
my one daily fight
to mount on faith’s height
Hold onto Jesus tight


I heard about the goodness of God
Such goodness can’t be found
In natural humans no natural person can afford
I heard about the kindness of God
How could one give his life for his enemy
Paid for my crimes even before I could call

Now I know the goodness of God
I’ve tasted and known the goodness of God
Oh irresistible, undeniable
the depth of your love
I know for myself
I Can’t fully comprehend
But I’ve come to know that God
God is good

At times I have felt most undeserving
Times I felt most unforgiven
You told me you’d forgiven me already
I could come home.
At times when I felt so ashamed
I didn’t want to draw near I was afraid
You told me “I hadn’t caught the truth about Your Love yet; I had no idea”

Now I know the goodness of God
I’ve tasted and known the goodness of God
Oh irresistible, undeniable
the depth of your love
I know for myself
Can’t fully comprehend
But I’ve come to know that God
God is good

Too good to be true yet it’s true
Too good to be real yet it’s real
I heard and I believed
I heard, I believed and now
Standing in the presence of the most Holy
Yet erasing all feelings of unholy
My mind remembering every failure I’ve had
But You tell me there’s no failure that stands
My God is good

I’ve come to know this God is good

Hallelujah (Flow)

Hallelujah, hallelujah, halleluyah
Praise The Lord

You are worthy
To receive all
All the worship
For all time

For You are faithful
Through the ages
Through all seasons
In You we trust

You have made us
To be blessed oh
To be favoured
And to be free

Free from sorrow
Free from judgement
Free from shame Oh Lord
We are FREE!

(With hysteria we shout)
Hallelujah, hallelujah, halleluyah
Praise The Lord

There’s no doubting
Of Your mercy
There’s no doubting
That You hold on us
There’s doubting
That we’re winning

We are in You
Christ is in us
We’re a Holy people
Saved and purified
Saved and Sanctified
Saved to Victory
We’re Saved Forever
Saved Forever
Saved Forever
We are Safe

Hallelujah ….