Healing Wings

Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing wings
Flowing freely to everyone
who looks on Him and believes
Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing in His wings

Doesn’t matter how sinful you have been
Doesn’t matter how deep the pain
Even in the darkest seasons and places
The light can still shine through
All you need to do is look on to Him
Call upon the one who holds the power
By His blood He has given you redemption
He’s got healing in His wings

Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing wings
Flowing freely to everyone
who looks on Him and believes
Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing in His wings

I‘ve never seen somebody call on the name
the name of Jesus and not be saved
No one with hands up in surrender
That did not get eternal life
He will never turn away the one
The one who calls on to Him
for His blood shed for us
is still washing clean today

Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing wings
Flowing freely to everyone
who looks on Him and believes
Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing in His wings

We can be covered in healing wings
Let us be covered in healing wings
The blood of Jesus speaks for us
By His wounds we were healed

Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing wings
Flowing freely to everyone
who looks on Him and believes
Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing in His wings
Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing in His wings
Healing wings, healing wings
The Son is risen with healing in His wings
Healing wings


The things I could not do before
I find natural to me now
Standards that were too high me
Have become a struggle to go below
It’s your Life in me that’s raised me up
To walk on mountains higher than I
Since I gave my life to You Jesus
You’ve made me higher than I

I’m empowered by Your grace
Empowered by Your Spirit
Empowered by Your life
To be the man I was made to be
I’m empowered by Your grace
Empowered by Your Spirit
Empowered by Your life
You Life has changed everything

The more I look into Your grace
The stronger I see myself to live right
The more I look into Your LOVE
Holding a grudge and hate become impossible
The more I look on You Lord
The more victorious I become
It is you in me that makes me go
You’ve made me higher than I

I’m empowered by Your grace
Empowered by Your Spirit
Empowered by Your life
To be the man I was made to be
I’m empowered by Your grace
Empowered by Your Spirit
Empowered by Your life
You Life has changed everything

There is nothing you have asked of me
That you haven’t put inside of me
There is no command you have given
That you’ve not obeyed in me
There is no vision You have shown
That you’ve not already fulfilled
There is no race You have asked us to run
That you did not already win

You Are God

Even if the world forgets Your name
I will still proclaim
Your name is great
You are the same always

You are God of heaven and earth
You are God of all creation
You are God
There is no one like You
Creator You own it all

Even if the people turn their hearts from You
I will still sing Your praise
Even though the times are changing fast
I know You remain the same

You are God of heaven and earth
You are God of all creation
You are God
There is no one like You
Creator You own it all

You are the ONE who died and rose again
You are the ONE who’s coming back again
You are the ONE who was and is and is to come

You are God of heaven and earth
You are God of all creation
You are God
There is no one like You
Creator You own it all


Close my eyes at night
Pray my wish come true
when I wake by morning dew
Then I see Your shining light
You say to me my wish
is nothing compared
to Your promises for me
Stand on the mountain top
Look far in the distance
hope that I could own it all
Then You tap me on my shoulder
saying Your plans for me is more

Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
We can ever think
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
Our Imagination
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
We can ever dream
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
Your plan is Bigger

All that we can see
Everything we can touch
All that we can feel (today)
We know is passing away
The money and the gold
The houses and the cars,
high-rises and fast jets
will all rot some day
God’s thoughts and riches for us
will never ever fade away
Because His ways are Bigger

Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
We can ever think
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
Our Imagination
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
We can ever dream
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
Your plan is Bigger

You take care of us today
You do not let us go hungry
You provide everything we need
To live a good life now
You take care of us today
You do not let us go hungry
You provide everything we need
To live a good life now
But Your plan is bigger
Your promise is bigger
But Your plan is bigger
Your promise is bigger

Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
We can ever think
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
Our Imagination
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
We can ever dream
Bigger than Bigger than Bigger than
Your plan is Bigger

Eternity In Time

How does it feel live in eternity
Where time and distance make no difference
How does it feel to be everywhere at the same time
and see everything at once
Take me in Your presence God
Take me to Your world
Let me see the way You see; and feel the way You do.
Take me in Your world

When I’m in Your presence God
Time and distance make no difference
The Joy and Peace that engulf my mind
Do not fade in the distance
Don’t matter what’s going on in the natural world
I remain high and elated
This i know to be true and real
Your World oh God in Time

When You made us in the beginning
You put a part of yourself in our heart
( So) our endless searching and desires
will never be satisfied in natural time
For our source and fulfilment is not
in this natural and physical world
We are beings of eternal origin
Placed in the cell of time (for now)

The light that shone through the tunnel
From time, here and now to eternity
was put out and darkness ruled
And nobody could see through
locked away in a strange location
grasping every likeness of fulfilment
But eternal beings can never be fulfilled in time
and temporary answers never enough

Jesus Christ when you died and rose again
You gave spark to the light us up again
our true essence the eternal spirit being
that can reach to the realm we belong
fetch from heaven’s store our eternal song
and play them through the strings of time
God in man and man in God
Emmanuel is Eternity in Time

The King Returns

The King of glory comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns
To rule and reign
In sovereignty He comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns

We will be by His side as He comes
We will reign with Him when He comes
Ride the heights with The Lord of all power
We will rule with Him when He returns

The King of glory comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns
To rule and reign
In sovereignty He comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns

I’ll be ready my heart is upward looking
See my saviour
My LORD and Maker who LOVES me most
With excitement and rejoicing
We look to when He returns

The King of glory comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns
To rule and reign
In sovereignty He comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns

The worlds will be judged when He comes
Systems will be replaced when He comes
Satan will be put away when Jesus comes
And evil will be no more when the master returns

Jesus Christ is coming back we know
Just as he ascended he will be descending, He’ll show
And we wait with excitement and bow
For our redemption is nearer now than before.

The King of glory comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns
To rule and reign
In sovereignty He comes
With his heavenly host He comes
With mighty power He returns

Remember (A Christmas Tune)

click to download from iTunes

Remember He was born as a baby
was a child grew up to a man, was somebody
God of heaven and earth became a man
so we can relate with Him
and talk with Him
and walk with Him
everyday on our journey

This is the time when the whole world celebrates
the birth of a king the only king that matters the ONE who creates.
For His kingdom has no beginning no end
to His power and reign

(so we will)
Remember He was born as a baby
was a child grew up to a man, was somebody
God of heaven and earth became a man
so we can relate with Him
and talk with Him
and walk with Him
everyday on our journey

Put up our lights on a tree with the shining star
sat right on top gifts and cards from near and far
we must remember it’s the true King of kings that we celebrate.
Give Him out hearts

Remember He was born as a baby
was a child grew up to a man, was somebody
God of heaven and earth became a man
so we can relate with Him
and talk with Him
and walk with Him
everyday on our journey

Merry Christmas is a time we can seize the flow
Let us party with our friends, and let our lives glow
but make it a party in heaven with the angels
as you let one more person know
Jesus is Lord

Merry Christmas is a time we can seize the flow
Let us party with our friends, and let our lives glow
but make it a party in heaven with the angels
as you let one more person know
Jesus is the King

Your Glory

Your glory is all I want to see
Your name raised in Majesty
All men and women, boys and girls
Singing your praise in estacy

Hossanna to the One who reigns
Hossanna to the One creator
Hossanna to the Blessed saviour
whose power can never fade

Halleluyah, glory be
to the Father whose love for me
is more than all that i’ve ever known
I sing your praise in estacy

Hossanna to the One who reigns
Hossanna to the One creator
Hossanna to the Blessed saviour
whose power can never fade

Reveal Your glory in our lives
Reveal Your glory in our land
Show Your glory in our time
Your glory is all we want to see

Lord I Believe You

Grace Your grace pulls me up
over the fence that stood before
me and held me back
Grace Your grace raise me high
above the limits
and took me over
to the place that I should be
but could never reach

Lord I believe You
I believe the Word You’ve spoken showing me where You have set for me to be
though I couldn’t see
with my natural eyes but Your grace takes me there
and I believe

Grace Your grace brings the power
Greater than I and all I need to get me over
With my gaze on you in Your presence I walk on water
and soar to the heights, great heights in God
and I believe

Lord I believe You
I believe the Word You’ve spoken showing me where You have set for me to be
though I couldn’t see
with my natural eyes but Your grace takes me there
and I believe