
To Grow is to know more
Learning the ways of my home
Getting better, getting stronger
Knowing Father, knowing mother

To Grow is to learn more
looking outward a little more
Knowing brother, knowing sister
Loving better, one another

To grow is to go out
Fully prepared to represent The FATHER
Serving better, one another
Serving others not yourself

To grow is to live the life
You received from God, The ONE who birthed you
Say His words now, Do His works now
Think His thoughts now walk His walk now

We must know FATHER more
We must learn His ways more
We know His voice from when we are born
Born of God’s Spirit into God’s Kingdom
Through the shedding of Jesus’ blood
We must be fed spiritual food
Led by The Spirit, the all knowing ONE
Spiritual growth is ours to go through

Until we reach that place
Of maturity in God
Where His confidence abides in us
And we can walk fully as His sons
Carrying out The FATHER’s wishes
Because we have His mind
Our ways become aligned
To the ways of God Himself

When we speak we speak as The SON
Who poured Himself out for us to become
Joint heirs with Him in God’s kingdom
Into which we have been born
What an honour this is
To be born into the Kingdom of God
And to grow in this Kingdom is my mission
So I can fully represent Him in every way

To grow is to live the life
You received from God,
The ONE who birthed us.
Serving sister, serving brother
Loving better, loving better
Loving more
Let us Grow!

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