
I want to be free
I want liberty
Don’t hold me back
Don’t tie me down
Unlock the gates
open the doors
and let me out
I want to be free

Why tell me what to do
when I don’t want to take your rule?
Why put me in a cage
when I want to be dancing on a stage?
Why put chains on my hands and feet
when I want to run and swing and flip?
Why put a gag on my lip
when I want to scream and shout and let it all out?

But how could I let you out, just to knock another out
how could I let you dance when your stage is another’s head
If I let you scream and shout, you only gonna kill your friend
But I want you to be free, so this is what I’m gonna do

I want to be free
I want liberty
Don’t hold me back
Don’t tie me down
Unlock the gates
open the doors
and let me out
I want to be free

I’m not gonna tell you what to do
You will know by my rule in your heart?
I’m not gonna put you in a cage
You’ll be dancing freely on my stage?
There’ll be no chains on your hands and feet
You’ll have mine to run and swing and flip?
I’ll put my Words on your lip
Then you can scream and shout and let it all out?

This is how I let you out, you won’t knock another out
This is how I get you to dance when your dance gives your neighbour strength
I will let you scream and shout, ‘cos your shout will be the devil’s end
Yes I want you to be free, and this is what I’m gonna do

I want to be free
Now you are free
I want liberty
You have liberty
Don’t hold me back
Not holding you back no
Don’t tie me down
Nothing tying you down no
Unlock the gates
The gates are broken
open the doors
Open doors before you
and let me out
Go in my name
I want to be free
There ain’t no law against you.

Go in my name
There ain’t no law against you.