My Passion

You are my consuming passion
Take me to the heights of pleasure
Joy and Peace no one can measure
Found only in You
You are my ultimate desire
To know you deeper is my daily pursuit
For all that is and will ever be
Are found only in You

There is no vastness of discovery
That is not contained in your person
No new horizon Lord
Without Your borders
No great adventure
Outside your existence
Good Lord, Dear God
You are all there is to life

To be in Your presence
Is the greatest joy
And to have Your fire burning inside
Is the highest high
Jesus, Jesus,
Eternal Son of God
You are, You are my passion.

Today, tomorrow and for all eternity
Jesus Christ is my new adventure
Knowing You more is my great opportunity
Love upon love and Grace upon Grace
Life’s excitement is found in You
Beyond death and emptiness
Beyond the universe and more
Jesus You are and still remain.

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