Season of Peace

There is a rest for everyone
Who’ll take the step to enter in
God has said it
So it will always be
There is rest for everyone
Who’ll take the step to enter in
Christ is the place
the place to be

Jesus Christ is
My season of peace
Day and night night and day
I look to God and I pray
Jesus Christ is my season of peace
Keep me strong always ready
I’m Christ I’m in the season of peace

There is a rest for you today
If you would come to God and say
I believe you
And I believe Your Son
I know that You’re The Greatest One
And You will be my dwelling place
I make the decision to enter Grace

Jesus Christ is
My season of peace
Day and night night and day
I look to God and I pray
Jesus Christ is my season of peace
Keep me strong always ready
I’m Christ I’m in the season of peace

Content today with everything
I have in Christ, my place of peace
Content tomorrow knowing that the Lord Himself is here with me
In Jesus Name I can carry on the fight of faith
His Word is sure to prevail
So there is nothing to fear