When a child is born
there is joy for new hope has come.
The hope of a family, people and a nation.
For this child will bear the light
and carry on
and as long as he lives on
we remember the day he was born and celebrate the birth of new hope
the light which he carries on.
When God’s child is born
there is hope for all creation.
For He brings God’s light to every nation
and forever he bears the light,
it carries on
and since he lives forever
we remember for all our lives
with every passing generation
the day God’s child was born
The light He brings to all is shining ever bright
and everyone who heeds His call
their life with light ignite.
The light is ever bright and reaching to everyone
and those who get it on their wrongs will be made right
And since he lives forever
we remember for all our lives
with every passing generation
the day God’s child was born
The light He brings to all is shining ever bright
and everyone who heeds His call
their life with light ignite.
The light is ever bright and reaching to everyone
and those who get it on their wrongs will be made right
Lovely!! We Love You Jesus*****