
Sunrise, Sunset,
Summer, Winter
You made them all
You made them all
Seedtime, harvest,
Work time, and rest
You made them all to glorify You

Let my daily commute
and my daily commune
be to Your glory
for all nature You made
to bring praise to Your name
all to Your glory

Human people
Men and women
You formed us all
You made us all
Babies crying,
Children playing
You made us all to know you as PAPA

Let my daily commute
and my daily commune
be to Your glory
for all nature You made
to bring praise to Your name
all to Your glory

Let my spirit arise
like the morning sunrise
knowing (that Christ) His blood has been shed
and made the way for me
to come into God’s presence
without a guilty feeling
it doesn’t matter what I’ve done
I look onto Jesus Christ the Son
He makes me whole again

From the dark of night
my life becomes the
sunrise, sunrise, sunrise
there’s no going down again
there’s no ups and downs of shame
Because You made me whole and pure
cleansed once in your precious blood
now I am sunrise, sunrise, sunrise

My daily commute
and my daily commune
is to your glory
For You’ve made me whole
I choose to praise You alone
I’m for Your glory