Eternal Life

Eternal life is the life of God in us
Eternal life is divine power at work in us

We are not victims
We are more than conquerors
We are not victims
We are victorious in Christ

Eternal Life; this is what we receive when we believe (in Christ)
Eternal Life was bought for us by the blood of Christ

We are not victims
We are more than conquerors
We are not victims
We are victorious in Christ

As many that believe Him
They have eternal
As many that believe Him
are called children of God
As many that believe Him
resurrection power is at work in them
We believe in Jesus
The Life of God is working in us

We are not victims
We are more than conquerors
We are not victims
We are victorious in Christ


Let us fight the fight of Faith
Strive to enter in
Enter in the place of rest
Where The Father God is at
Jesus Christ has done the work
It is finished, it is done
The strife is over, the battle done
Jesus Christ the victory won

Rest in God
Rest in His Word
Strive no more
Fear no more
Free at last
Free at last
There’s only one fight left for us to fight
Enter in God’s Rest

Let us fight the fight of Faith
Look above; not on the earth
Hold your gaze on what He’s said
Mount the guard around your heart
Many thoughts will try to break in
evil reports of unbelief
will try to send us on empty chase
Stay in The Word; don’t leave your place

Rest in God
Rest in His Word
Strive no more
Fear no more
Free at last
Free at last
There’s only one fight left for us to fight
Enter in God’s Rest

Nothing will steal our joy
Nothing will steal our peace
Nothing will take us away from our place of rest


Everyone has a story
It’s not just another another body
Is a “he” or “she” with a history
On a very individual journey
Looking at the world through their lenses
Unique to their own own senses
May not be the simplest thing to do
But let’s not brush past one as though
another headcount we see
It’s okay to pause and really see

God sees people
God Loves people
Look in their eyes and love them too
Let us Really see people
She’s not just another number in the crowd

They are the best resources
But they ain’t just another tree to pluck from
We’ve got to stop and look into real faces
And drop the urge to sell or to perform
Just be a blessing to somebody
Truly from the heart try their lenses
Just STOP. Stop and see ..

God sees people
Loves people
Look in their eyes and love them
Really see people
She’s not just another number in the crowd

And as they peel off
Later after layer
We have to cover them up
With glory upon glory
Reach out from the being of love that Christ has made us into
And love each one
See each one the way The Father sees them

People, people, people
God loves
people, people, people
The Father loves
People people people
Jesus died for
People people people
His heart still bleeds for
People people people
He still sees their individual story

Salvation Chant

Salvation from sin is all we need
Be freed from It’s power to hold us bound
The guilt and the fear that weighs us down
The pain and the death it brings along

The blood that was shed is pure enough
The blood that was shed is strong enough
The blood that He shed is all we need
To make us and keep us truly free

And now we are on this other side
Where sin has no power to wield; we died
We must redeem our mind from death
And fill up with new life; new birth
Fixated on this one truth so huge
Our sins are forgiven in full; this is huge
No judgement, no fear, no prison, no death
But eternal life, life perpetual, life upon life

Fortune and fame will make no difference
Ambition and power is mostly in vain
Except the one passion and drive to proclaim
Salvation is here for everyone
Show and tell the newness of life,
Display the victory that Jesus has won;
Winning on all sides; such excellent gift
is given us. It’s here for the taking.


Open our eyes dear God
Open our eyes Father
Open our eyes let us know
By Revelation

Open our eyes dear God
Open our eyes Holy Father
Open our eyes let us know
by revelation

By revelation in our hearts
Knowing that is deeper than sight
Feelings clearer than we feel

Perception so real
Fire burning with zeal
overcome every fear and restraint
by Revelation

Jesus is Lord indeed we know
God is our Father surely we know
Saved and delivered for sure we know

Forgiven and healed forever we know
Lifted and gifted with abundant Life we know
Emboldened to speak this truth we know

Open our eyes dear God
Open our eyes dear Father
Open our eyes let us know
by revelation

Open our eyes dear God
Open our eyes Holy Father
Open our eyes let us know
by revelation

Daily Victory

This is my daily victory
engaging in the mystery
Just talking with The Lord
And soaking in The Word

Time of fellowship with The Father
The Father who loves us than any other
Prayer not just a means to something bigger
(This is the real deal )
There’s no high than the presence of God our Father.

This is my daily victory
engaging in the mystery
Just talking with The Lord
And soaking in The Word

Time of fellowship with The Father
The Father who loves us than any other
Prayer not just a means to something bigger
(This is the real deal )
There’s no high than the presence of God our Father.

Read your bible
pray everyday
Pray everyday
Pray everyday
Read your bible
Pray everyday
If you want to grow
If you want to glow
If you want to glo-o-ory

This is my daily victory
engaging in the mystery
Just talking with The Lord
And soaking in The Word
This is my daily victory
engaging in the mystery
With God I’m writing history
We get the script in the mystery
[So we can walk through the story]

Let me win today
I will kneel today
Let me win today
I will kneel today
This is my daily victory

HE Blessed Me

When I don’t know what to say
Don’t even know how to feel
Things haven’t gone my way
Didn’t quite strike the deal
Can still look to The Word
See where it’s written ‘bout me
Put it in my heart
Say it with my mouth

Blessed be the God
And Father of my Lord
And Saviour Jesus Christ
He’s blessed me
He’s blessed me
He’s blessed me

God’s Word is written down
Written in the blood of The Son
Eternally True to hold
Always there to make bold
Grab it, say it, sing it
Till believing and saying keep believing
He will break through everything
He remains True, I believe and so I speak

Blessed be the God
And Father of my Lord
And Saviour Jesus Christ
He’s blessed me
He’s blessed me
He’s blessed me

I will stay there
Where God’s Word is
I will stay there
in the blessing
In the blessing


Don’t have make a wrong turn and keep going on
Don’t have to settle in a place that’s wrong
Don’t have to throw my hands up ‘cos I don’t know where I’m at no more, and cannot find my way home

I have a compass; gives me direction
I hear the voice of the Spirit of God in me
God speaks to me; gives me direction
I hear His voice, I’m led by Him; He lives in Me

God said He will never ever leave me
(so i’m never afraid)
God said I know His voice and I follow Him only
Hold me up, lead me on to my destiny
The Lord leads me I am confident to go

I have a compass; gives me direction
I hear the voice of the Spirit of God in me
God speaks to me; gives me direction
I hear His voice, I’m led by Him; He lives in Me

We are children of God
We are led by His Spirit
We are children of God
We are not alone, we are not alone

I have a compass; gives me direction
I hear the voice of the Spirit of God in me
God speaks to me; gives me direction
I hear His voice, I’m led by Him; He lives in Me

Will He Find Faith?

When He comes will He find faith on the earth
When He comes will He find faith on the earth
When The Saviour comes will He find faith
When The Saviour comes will He find faith

He comes with the answers to the prayers
He comes; the solution to every care
He comes with deliverance from the things that holds you down,
but when He comes will He find faith in your heart

When He comes will He find faith on the earth
When He comes will He find faith on the earth
When The Saviour comes will He find faith
When The Saviour comes will He find faith

Grace has delivered but it is faith that receives
So nothing is impossible to the one that believes
The truck of Grace is here with everything we’d ever need
He surely comes, but will He find faith in your heart

When He comes will He find faith on the earth
When He comes will He find faith on the earth
When The Saviour comes will He find faith
When The Son comes will He find faith

Pray and do not lose heart
The Lord of Grace is here
Let Him find faith in your heart
and not a load of care
Pray with rejoicing
because you know what He’s said
Let the Lord grace find
Faith in your heart

(We will say)

When You come You will find faith in my heart

High and Lifted Up

We are high and lifted up
High and lifted up
Seated with the Lord Christ
Beside the Father’s throne
We are high and lifted up
High and lifted up
Sat in the Heavenlies
High above it all

If You’ve been raised with Christ
Then set your mind where He is
Seated at the right hand of God
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
And God has raised us up
With Christ, sat us on High right up
Don’t let the world pull you down
Don’t let the world pull you down

We are high and lifted up
High and lifted up
Seated with the Lord Christ
Beside the Father’s throne
We are high and lifted up
High and lifted up
Sat in the Heavenlies
High above it all

Get along with God’s authority
Walking in this humility
In obedience to God’s will
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
The Lord God said
“Come Up here
I will show You things
Come up here”
You’ve been again born into divine royalty

We are high and lifted up
High and lifted up
Seated with the Lord Christ
Beside the Father’s throne
We are high and lifted up
High and lifted up
Sat in the Heavenlies
High above it all.