Love God

Love the Lord with all you heart
with all you mind and with all your strength
This is what your God commands
This is where your fuel is at
Love the Lord with all you heart
with all you mind and with all your strength
This is what your God commands
This is where you’ll find yourself

Set your affection
On The Lord, The God of creation
who gives you life; He gives you life
Just let your passion
be drawn from loving this God
Who loves you so, He came to die so you can live

Sing His praise and go His way
because you love him with your heart
Do His work the very best
because you love Him with all your strength
You’ve got to love humankind
because you love God with all your mind
Love the Lord with your heart with all your strength and with all your mind.

Love the Lord with all you heart
with all you mind and with all your strength
This is what your God commands
This is where your fuel is at
Love the Lord with all you heart
with all you mind and with all your strength
This is what your God commands
This is where you’ll find yourself

This is where you draw your strength
This is where you get your passion
This is how to get your motivation

Love the Lord with all you heart
with all your mind and with all your strength
This is what your God commands
This is where you’ll find yourself

Never A Time

There’s never a time I call You Lord, that you don’t answer
There’s never a time I walk into your presence
that you don’t fill my heart with joy, pure joy that comes from You alone

There’s never a time that draw, draw from this river
The river of peace flowing from your presence
flooding my heart and keeping me in perfect peace

For your presence is always here
And you’re ready always to help
You are my present help in trouble
And my ever present God

There’s never a time that I look into your Word
That You don’t speak by your Spirit clearly to my heart
There’s never a time that I lift my hands in worship and your glory doesn’t appear

There’s never a time that I open up my mouth to speak
That you don’t fill with utterance supernatural
There’s never a time that I turn my gaze on you and your brightness don’t take me over

For your presence is always here
And you’re ready always to help
You are my present help in trouble
And my ever present God

True Giant

Facing a mountain
Standing on my way
Saying there no is way I can get to the other side
But looking inside me
I look at my spirit
I’m born of God almighty
My Father says to me to look again

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than the mountain that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

Raving Goliath
Breathing his angry threats
Says you are going down and nothing’s gonna save you
You starting to shudder
You feel you are going under
But the Holy Spirit of God in you says to you
Look again

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than Goliath that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than the mountain that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

There’s a spirit alive inside you
If you are born again
It is greater than the mountain and anything you could face
And when you speak in other tongues
you’re stirring up this greater one
And when you stay there speaking on
You keep your giant on the form
This is God rising in you
There’s no battle bigger than you
Keep your giant fighting
Pray with your spirit and win!

Let the true giant rise
Let the true giant stand
You are taller than Goliath that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

Let the true giant stand
Let the true giant rise
You are taller than the mountain that you see,
Let the real giant rise
Let the real giant stand
Your Father says MOVE FORWARD, set your eyes on the goal

Let Go

Don’t hold on to the lies they told you
Don’t hold on to the feelings of the past
Don’t hold on to the bad experience you went through
Time to let go and move on

Don’t hold on to the abuse and neglect
Don’t hold on to the false report, not of God
Don’t hold on to the fear it brought to you
Time to look up and move on

Let go and let God hold you up
Let go and let God fill you up
Let go and let God make you free
The Creator who made you has the manual to get you to where you need to be
Let go and let God lead you on
Let go and let Joy fill your heart
Let go and let Peace flood you now
God The Father is here and He says, “just let go”.

Don’t hold on to the doubt that entered your mind
Don’t hold on to the feeling of hopelessness
Don’t hold on to the cloud of depression
Time to stand up and move on with God

Let go and let God hold you up
Let go and let God fill you up
Let go and let God make you free
The Creator who made you has the manual to get you to where you need to be
Let go and let God lead you on
Let go and let Joy fill your heart
Let go and let Peace flood you now
God The Father is here and He says, “just let go”.

I’m A Believer

I’m a believer
I’m not a doubter
I take the Truth now
I speak the Truth now
I stay believing
I keep believing
For this is who I am

I am a doer
Not just a hearer
I do the Truth now
I practice what The Lord Says
I keep on doing
I keep on g oing
For this is who I am

I am a winner
I’m not a quitter
God’s Word in me
He gives me victory
I keep on winning
I keep on winning
For this is who I am

I am the blessed one
I’m not the cursed one
The blessings of God
Signed to me in blood
I walk in blessing
I walk in the blessing
For this is who I am

I believe
I believe
I believe
In God
I believe
I’m a believer
in God
this is who I am

Praise Too

Don’t need to have another reason to praise
I already have every reason to dance
The work was done for me
On the cross of calvary
Christ did it all for me
On the cross of calvary

So even when I don’t feel good
And anxiety tries to damp my mood
And I fall on my knees to pray to You
I must remember to praise too
Praise too, Praise too

In my praise I am saying
That I know you have done it
In my praise I am saying
You always always deserve it

Don’t need to be in trouble to pray
Don’t need to think about what to say
When I rise and come to You
my life line is from you
The live connection that keeps me charging

So even when I don’t feel good
And anxiety tries to damp my mood
And I fall on my knees to pray to You
I must remember to praise too
Praise too, Praise too
Praise too, Praise too

In my praise I am saying
That I know you have done it
In my praise I am saying
You always always deserve it

Amazing Grace

Your Grace oh God is enough for me
Your Grace is the power that makes me free
When darkness strikes, it’s by your Grace I see
And by Your Grace I have victory

There may be thoughts of anxiety
Try to pull me down from your piety
Piety You bought for me with your blood
Justified I stand before the throne of God
Not by my strength but by Your Grace
Not by my works but by Your Grace
It’s by your Grace I live today
It’s by your Grace I breath today
It’s by your Grace I hope for tomorrow
It’s by your Grace I have no sorrow
I can see God face to face
‘Cos Jesus; You bought me amazing Grace

Thank You for Amazing Grace
Thank You for Amazing Grace
I’m grateful for Your amazing Grace
It’s by Your Grace oh Lord I know I’ll see You face to face

I build my faith on the Word of Your Grace
It is by faith that I step in your Grace
We don’t operate at a natural pace
Your Grace oh God is supernatural space
In heaven’s heights; God you give me a space
A space to rule from only by Your Grace
I must have faith to get into Grace
Faith in Your Word, to continue in Grace
No Looking’ down on the place that is lower
No going on like there is no power
My God and Father He has all Power
Gave me His Word; the Word of His Power
To walk by Faith is receiving his power
I walk in Grace every day and hour
To walk by Faith is receiving his power
I am in Grace every day and hour

Everything is possible, when walking in Grace
Everything is easy, when walking in Grace
Living in Grace is walking by Faith
Live on His strength is walking by Faith
Why not receive free borrowed strength
Down payment of Faith, to take God strength
Never tired, not retired, always on fire to take on Goliath

Time to run full, running on Grace
Time to run full, running on Grace
Time to run to finish

The Word is What We Got (Capsule of His Power)

Trying to find my way
Looking for something to dazzle
A sight to blow my mind away
A sign to make me sizzle
You turned my heart to look and see
The book you placed in front of me
A soft and firm instruction said
This WORD is what we got

Run to the hills and seas
Sail across the oceans
Fly to faraway lands
Searching for the answers
That gem that’ll change your life
Would pay anything just to find that break
But I want it here and I want it now
I want them to hear and we all go wow
Could a bright light appear and whisk us in
Take us to the high skies and swing us down
Just listen, The Word is what we’ve got

This WORD is what we got
The WORD is what we need
The Word guarantees your victories
The Word keeps you on the Way
The WORD of God is all we got
The Word of God is what He brought to you through the gospel
May not feel like what you crave this hour
But the Word of God is the capsule of His Power

This WORD is what we got
This WORD is what God’s got
The Word guarantees your victories
The Word keeps you on the Way
The WORD of God is all we got
The Word of God is what He brought to you through the gospel
May not feel like what you crave this hour
But the Word of God is the capsule of His Power
May not feel like what you crave this hour
But the Word of God is the capsule of His Power

Turn your eyes from flash reaction
Set your mind on the source of creation
God gave new life by The Word of His power
(You are) born again into the world of His power
That same Word He’s given to deliver
Those in the dark and away from His glory.
The Word of God is sent to heal
Sent to heal all diseases
Changing situations turning lives around
Creating testimonies turning lives around
This Word infused in you
Transports you to a world brand new
It is the Capsule of His power

This WORD is what we got
This WORD is what God’s got
The Word guarantees your victories
The Word keeps you on the Way
The WORD of God is all we got
The Word of God is what He brought to you through the gospel
May not feel like what you crave this hour
But the Word of God is the capsule of His Power

Help is Here

Help is here
Help is near
Help is here
Just in time

Though my head is bowed
And my knees go low
Though my heart may pound
Because I don’t know
How to go from here
To the place called there
I hear the Spirit say
Will you lend your ear

Help is here
Help is near
Help is here
Just in time

Lifting up my head
With borrowed strength
I know I’m not on my own
The Lord stills my heart
I will turn to the light
Which will show me the way
I hear the Spirit say
Will you lend your ear

Help is here
Help is near
Help is here
Just in time


How can I have hope
In this hopeless world?
How can I dream
When I don’t know tomorrow?
How can I be happy
When there’s so much sorrow?

I got precious
I got precious
I got precious
‘Cos I was blood bought.

I threw off hopelessness
And received eternal hope.
I entered the world of dreams
With the ONE who knows tomorrow.
I got more than happiness;
He filled me up with joy.
I received eternal life.

(And) I got precious
I got precious
I got precious
‘Cos I was blood bought.

Oh oh oh oh

I’m worth more than a billion bucks
I’ve got divine life in me
God has come to live in me
Oh He’s made me precious!

I got precious
I got precious
I got precious
‘Cos I was blood bought