Love Unfading

Let my love for you grow stronger each day
As You speak to me, Your voice I obey
Let my passion for you increase today
For Your love for me never fades away

You loved me first
And You made it clear
You passed my test
I was nowhere near
You made the best (mark)
Won the prize and gave it over
You said I am the prize you desire

Let my love for you grow stronger each day
As You speak to me, Your voice I obey
Let my passion for You increase today
For Your love for me never fades away

You Love me best
There is no love that’s higher
You made me rest
And You’ve heard my prayer
You given me all things
In the Your blood that You shed
There is nothing left, You’ve given all

You’ve given Your all from the start
You life, Your blood Your Spirit
From the start
I must open up more
So You can fill me up from the bottom to the top

Let my love for You grow stronger each day
As You speak to me, Your voice I obey
Let my passion for You increase today
For Your love for me never fades away

Highest Point

I will I will I will praise you Lord
in the midst of the storm I will lift my voice
And sing a song of Praise and thanks to Your name
I will praise You God through the storm

I will I will I will praise you God
when I’m standing on the mountain top
In the midst of my high waves of emotion
I will praise you through the celebration

I will I will I will praise you God
when the tide is still and there is no wind
When I feel great peace and no troubles on my mind
I will praise You through the peaceful sail

I will I will I will praise you Lord
through the highs and the lows of life
Happy, or sad, feeling poor or rich
I will praise You Father through it all

For I know You never leave me
I know You never let go of my hand
Lord I know You are here through it all
and You are the best place to be

So I will I will I will praise You God
For I know that I’m in You always
and In You, with You is the highest point
Lord I praise You at the highest point


You think good of us
You wish the best for us
God You know the best for us
Your plans are beautiful
Your plans are beautiful

I must trust in You
Trust in You with all my heart
Trust in You with all I am
Trust in You even when I don’t feel like it
I must trust in You; I must trust in You

You think good of us
You wish the best for us
God You know the best for us
Your plans are beautiful
Your plans are beautiful

I must trust in You
Trust in You with all my heart
Trust in You with all I am
Trust in You even when I don’t feel like it
I must trust in You; I must trust in You

Lord I trust in You
Trust in You with all my heart
Trust In You with all I am
Trust in You even when I don’t feel like it
Lord I trust in You; Lord I trust in You


God of Justice God of LOVE
Righteous Judge and Holy ONE
You made a way to show Your mercy
You made a way to show Your mercy

The guilt was sure
God is right to judge
But Love prevailed
And God served the term
The Righteous ONE died for the unrighteous one
The Holy ONE died for the unholy one
(to make a way to show your mercy)

God of Justice God of LOVE
Righteous Judge and Holy ONE
You made a way to show Your mercy
You made a way to show Your mercy

With no mercy LORD
We can’t escape
Without Your mercy LORD
we don’t stand a chance
But the Judge poured out His blood to pay for us
Yes the Judge poured out His blood to pay for sin

God of Justice God of LOVE
Righteous Judge and Holy ONE
You made a way to show Your mercy
You made a way to show Your mercy

Because of Mercy
I can call You Father
Because of Your mercy Jesus
God has become my home
Because of Your mercy Lord
I have eternal life
Because of Your mercy
I will be with You forever
in Holiness, Peace and Joy

God of Justice God of LOVE
Righteous Judge and Holy ONE
You made a way to show Your mercy
You made a way to show Your mercy

Pour Out

I must immerse myself in You (God)
You are the only ONE that’s true (Yeah)
No empty spaces in my mind (for lies)
You are the treasure that I find (Jesus)

You have poured out yourself out for us
Jesus You poured yourself out for us
You are the river of God that flows
Wherever You flow, Your glory shows
I must soak up, and drink up and be full up with You

I must immerse myself in You (God)
You are the only ONE that’s true (Yeah)
No empty spaces in my mind (for lies)
You are the treasure that I find (Jesus)

I will pour out myself out for You
Jesus I pour out myself out for You
You are the life that lives in me
You are the treasure that’s deep within
I must draw out, and break out, Let Your goodness show

Immerse in You
Be filled with You
Pour out from You
a brand new world (oh my Lord)

I must immerse myself in You (God)
You are the only ONE that’s true (Yeah)
No empty spaces in my mind (for lies)
You are the treasure that I find (Jesus)


Laws don’t save nobody
They hold the beast home; just sleepy
Grace come kills the beast away
And put a Saint in the house

Don’t need to tame the monster
and live with hidden shame and disaster.
Grace come through Jesus the master
He puts a saint in the house

There is nobody that’s free
There is no freedom that’s real
Until the evil inside is gone
And the saint is born

Don’t need to tame the monster
and live with hidden shame and disaster.
Grace come through Jesus the master
He puts a saint in the house

Unleash the saint (3x)
There’s a saint in your house

Laws don’t save nobody
They hold the beast home just sleepy
Grace come kills the beast away
And put a Saint in the house

Put On Christ

Put me on like a robe
Put me on like a glove
Let me show who You are
What You truly present
To a world that is dark
Looking out for some light
Let Christ on me shine

I want to be an expression of who You are
A vessel that’s washed clean and fit for use
Radiating Your glory, Your power and grace
Let people meet Jesus, see Jesus when they come to me

Let me be like a telly
Showing Christ very clearly
Let my mouth give voice
To Your Word no noise
I will be Your echo
from the heavens I will echo
Your utterances from The Throne

I want to be an expression of who You are
A vessel that’s washed clean and fit for use
Radiating Your glory, Your power and grace
Let people meet Jesus, see Jesus when they come to me

We are ambassadors here
We are God’s earth-suit here
The expression of heaven here
Lord we submit to Your will

I want to be an expression of who You are
A vessel that’s washed clean and fit for use
Radiating Your glory, Your power and grace
Let people meet Jesus, see Jesus when they come to me

Look To Jesus

Some look to the hills to seek help
Some look to the stars to find their way
But we will always look to the Spirit of God
To guide and lead and show the way

Look to the Spirit
He knows the way
Let Him light up
the dark alley
God is light
He is our light
He knows the way
He shows the way

Never confused, not discouraged
Not in the dark about tomorrow, (what it holds)
For God Almighty holds the best for us
He knows the way
His way is the best

Look to the Spirit
He knows the way
Let Him light up
the dark alley
God is light
He is our light
He knows the way
He shows the way

God’s Word my lamp
I will meditate in Him
Holy Spirit my guide
I will pay attention

Look to the Spirit
He knows the way
Let Him light up
the dark alley
God is light
He is our light
He knows the way
He shows the way

Flow River

There’s a melody in my heart
A leaping and rejoicing
Songs of jubilation rising
From the Spirit of God in me
Let the bubbling of jubilee
up from the depths of heavenly
permeate and overflow
all over my soul

There’s a river that is flowing
From the depths of the my heart
It’s been placed there by The Father
Our God and Lord and King
It is flowing freely and daily
Bringing healing in it’s way
Let the river rise above the banks
overflow to all my life

There’s a melody in my heart
The Joy of God eternal
Full of Grace and is glorious
I believe in Jesus Christ
More and more I leap for joy
The gift of God, what a treasure
To be in His family
What a glorious mystery

There’s a river that is flowing
From the depths of the my heart
It’s been placed there by The Father
Our God and Lord and King
It is flowing freely and daily
Bringing healing in it’s way
Let the river rise above the banks
overflow to all my life

River flow, flow River flow
Holy Spirit take control
Let the River flow flow flow
Let the Life of Jesus poured out
Overflow and take control

There’s a river that is flowing
From the depths of the my heart
It’s been placed there by The Father
Our God and Lord and King
It is flowing freely and daily
Bringing healing in it’s way
Let the river rise above the banks
overflow to all my life

Thank You for Redemption

Called of God to be Holy
Set apart For Your glory
Announced righteous By the blood,
The precious blood of Jesus The Son

Thank You for redemption
The forgiveness of sins in Christ
Thank You for salvation
The adoption as sons of God

Chosen us In Christ
to stand blameless
in Your presence
Your very presence of pure holiness
Oh my God such great Love
shown to us

Thank You for redemption
The forgiveness of sins in Christ
Thank You for salvation
The adoption as sons of God

Blessed Blessed Blessed be God
We sing Blessed, Blessed, Praise unto God
We shout Blessed, Blessed, High Praise to The Father
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

Thank You for redemption
The forgiveness of sins in Christ
Thank You for salvation
The adoption as sons of God